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Little Managers

Little Managers

Steve Schapiro Muhammad Ali, Monopoly, Louisville, KY 1963

It’s funny how things go sometimes, how times roll -not just the good ones-. I said last week that all the world’s “leaders” had failed terribly, and I’m not taking that back. They all failed to a horrific extent at their no. 1 task when it comes to Disasters, Pandemics, whatever their respective governments file these events under: Prevention. But now we’re in a whole new world.

Now these failed leaders move into a situation they actually MAY be able to handle. That is, the -crisis- management that inevitably follows AFTER the failure at their no. 1 task of Prevention. They MAY be able to pull this off because it’s what they were trained to do: be little managers. You know them, because every company these days is full of them, and some will make it to biggest little manager status, through blind ambition and/or licking up to previous little managers. Some may even become government ministers. Core characteristic: these people don’t act, they re-act. Prevention is a job they’re absolutely not qualified for

Trump, Macron, BoJo, Merkel, Rutte, Xi, Abe, Conte, you name them, they’re all little managers, they’re not leaders, they have no ideas or visions, at least not original ones. People with original ideas don’t become politicians, not in the climate we have created since the 1950’s. The 20th century was poor anyway when it comes to vision, it was all about money, and no great vision has ever been derived from that.

The last century had Gandhi and Martin Luther King -and I would personally add Muhammad Ali-, and that combination says a lot about what we could have become vs what we have. In a way, the world chose money over itself. The 20th century was when Faust won, when humanity sold its soul. That it also sold its home, its planet, seems almost irrelevant compared to that.

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Learn how to identify magnesium deficiency, and what foods fix it

Learn how to identify magnesium deficiency, and what foods fix it

Image: Learn how to identify magnesium deficiency, and what foods fix it

(Natural News) Magnesium — often called the master mineral — is involved in more than 300 metabolic processes in our bodies, including protein synthesis, calcium regulation, vitamin D absorption, blood glucose control, muscle and nerve function, and blood pressure regulation. Dr. Norman Shealy, a pioneer in pain medicine, even said that “every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency.”

For the eighth most abundant mineral in the universe, magnesium deficiencies are on the rise. In fact, most American adults do not get enough of the mineral in their daily diet.

While there are many reasons why our magnesium levels have gone down over the years, poor nutritional habits and depleted soil conditions top the list of most probable culprits. In the past, our topsoil was rich in magnesium. These days, however, new farming techniques that rely on the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have severely affected the magnesium levels in our farming lands. This, in turn, has resulted in less magnesium in the foods we consume.

Are you magnesium deficient?

Given the mineral’s essential role in so many different metabolic functions, a magnesium deficiency is often hard to spot since it can cause a wide variety of symptoms. Furthermore, only one percent of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood, hence why this mineral often doesn’t show up in blood tests. For the best and most reliable test results, The Hearty Soul website recommends a bowel test.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include extreme fatigue and weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, muscles twitches, muscles weakness, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dizziness. Furthermore, people who lack magnesium in their bodyoften experience poor memory, insomnia, constipation, bowel diseases, numbness, tingling, seizures, anxiety, and panic attacks.

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Just 3 sessions of aerobic exercise per week can relieve clinical depression

Just 3 sessions of aerobic exercise per week can relieve clinical depression

Image: Just 3 sessions of aerobic exercise per week can relieve clinical depression

(Natural News) A systematic review published in the journal Depression and Anxietysuggests that aerobic exercise has significant antidepressant effects for people with clinical depression. More specifically, the review reported that three 45-minute sessions of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week may relieve clinical depression.

A team of researchers from Greece, the U.K., and Canada evaluated the antidepressant effects of aerobic exercise on people suffering from clinical depression. The research team looked at 11 studies with a total of 455 adult participants.

Instead of taking antidepressant drugs – which is the conventional treatment for depression – the participants underwent supervised moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for an average of 45 minutes, thrice a week for a period of 9.2 weeks. (Related: Stopping exercise can plunge people back into depression after only THREE DAYS, study concludes.)

The results showed that the exercise routine significantly improved the symptoms of depression, regardless of their severity. In addition, in trials for individuals with a lower risk of clinical depression, aerobic exercise produced moderate-to-large antidepressant effects. For trials with short?term exercise interventions or up to four weeks, exhibited large antidepressant effects.

Based on these findings, the research team concluded that aerobic exercise can relieve symptoms of depression and may be used as an effective treatment for this mental illness.

More on depression

Depression is a life-threatening and burdensome mental illness. In recent years, the number of people suffering from this mental illness has increased. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 300 million people around the world suffer from depression. Furthermore, it is estimated that 15 percent of the adult population will experience depression at some point in their lives.

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Natural medicines to use after SHTF

Image: Natural medicines to use after SHTF

(Natural News) If ever SHTF, you might not be able to have access to medication that can treat all sorts of ailments and injuries in a survival scenario. Before that even happens, you should start preparing for that scenario by stockpiling and growing your own supply of natural medicines. Here are a few natural remedies that can be incredibly useful after SHTF. (h/t to SurvivalSullivan.com.)


Packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, this healing herb is a common ingredient in natural painkillers. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and contains a peptide that can help alleviate pain associated with gout and arthritis. It may even help protect you from damage from free radicals. Amaranth is also incredibly useful to diabetics due to its ability to help manage blood sugar levels and reduce insulin levels. Other health benefits of amaranth include boosting your immune system, stimulating bone and muscle repair, and strengthening your bones.


Yarrow is a perennial herb that is useful for the treatment of wounds, cuts, and abrasions. It is also known by its common names of staunchweed and soldier’s woundwort. These names are fitting as you can always count on this reliable herb to staunch wounds that will not stop bleeding. You can crush the plant’s leaves and apply them topically on your open wounds to encourage clotting and lessen the likelihood of infection. The traditional use of this antiseptic herb involves drying it, powdering it, then mixing it with either plantain or comfrey water. It can also be freshly used as a poultice. (Related: 23 Medicinal plants you need to know about when SHTF.)

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Prevention is the Only Solution: a Hiroshima Native’s View of Nuclear Weapons 

Prevention is the Only Solution: a Hiroshima Native’s View of Nuclear Weapons 

Photo by Gerry Lauzon | CC BY 2.0

At 8:07 on Saturday morning, Hawaii residents woke up to an emergency alert on their cellphones:


Until a second message called it a false alarm 38 minutes later, the people of Hawaii contemplated the end — the end of their lives, of their families, of essentially everything they know and love.

I am originally from Hiroshima. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Park was within walking distance from my grandfather’s house.

As a family physician, I cared for Marshall Islander survivors of nuclear testing. Disaster medicine is one of my academic interests.

The war of words between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un brings the world perilously close to nuclear Armageddon. As North Korea tests nuclear devices and delivery systems, the U.S. conducts military exercises and draws up plans for pre-emptive strikes.

Existential Moment

As adversaries go on hair-trigger alert, the potential for a mistakenly launched nuclear exchange increases. The probability of nuclear war thus approaches the probabilities that during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The standoffs at the Russian border and in Syria are other reasons why the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have placed the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock at two-and-a-half minutes to midnight.

Under these circumstances, the people of Hawaii had good reason to fear that the threat was real. Many surely had an existential moment.

We should all pause to contemplate how each of us lives each day.

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How Natural Aids Can Lessen Your Chance of Contracting the Pneumonic Plague

How Natural Aids Can Lessen Your Chance of Contracting the Pneumonic Plague

We’re picking up where we left off: an outbreak of Bubonic plague is occurring in Madagascar and the island of Seychelles off the coast of East Africa.  The plague turns into pneumonic plague as it migrates into the lungs and causes pneumonia and a host of other respiratory problems.  The causative organism of plague is the bacteria Yersinia pestis, and it is transmitted primarily by vectors (in this case fleas) from infected rodents to human beings.  That is the normal route of transmission for the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death during the Middle Ages, where 1/3 of the population of Europe died.

The thing with this “offshoot” of the plague is that it can be transmitted just by sneezing on someone.  Airborne transmission is occurring, where droplets from the infected individual’s coughs, sneezes, and mucous fluids carry the bacteria and spread it.  If a person sneezes on the wall, and later another person touches that wall with their hand?  Such contact can transmit this pneumonic plague.

In the previous article, we covered some standard pharmacological treatments for this pneumonic plague.  Now we’re going to over some herbal supplements you may wish to stock up on.  Why?  Well, if the plague goes out of control and there’s a shortage of pharmaceutical medications, that is one reason.  Another is that if the S hits the fan, the plague will increase both in severity and in the geographic locale.  It will spread.  The symptoms of pneumonic plague are increased body temperature/fever, weakness, and severe headache, as well as coughing and sneezing.  The symptoms usually manifest within 1 to 6 days from the time the person has been infected.

The best medicine is preventative medicine.


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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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