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Forget the Greek Crisis, Immigration Will Divide Europe Against Itself

Forget the Greek Crisis, Immigration Will Divide Europe Against Itself

Europe has complex immigration rules. As the EU web site shows, there are multiple layers of immigration regulations encompassing both the local national level and the EU level.

But, as the recent influx of refugees and economic migrants has shown, the EU government is able to flex its  muscle in an ad hocfashion in the service of compelling member states to accept the migrants and refugees. The “quota plan” being forwarded by the EU government would divide up migrants and refugees among the EU member states, and, of course, over time, these migrants would qualify for those member states’ taxpayer funded public benefits. In Germany, for example, officials “estimate that as many as 460,000 more people could be entitled [next year] to social benefits.”

Big Countries vs. Little Ones  

The proposal could become a mandate if approved by a “qualified majority” of EU member governments, a type of majority that is weighed in favor of the larger members. Most of those larger members are in favor. If adopted, however, one doesn’t need to be exceptionally perceptive to see how mandates apposed on dissenting member states could be a source of significant division among member states, and especially, their populations.

Writing in the UK independent yesterday, John Lichfield avers:

North vs south; east vs west; Britain vs the rest; German leadership or German dominance. The refugee crisis is like a diabolical stress test devised to expose simultaneously all the moral and political fault lines of the European Union.

Germany leads to way in calling for more migrants. While part of it is no doubt Germany’s ongoing attempt to rehabilitate itself from its fascist past,  there may be other considerations as well. Claire Groden in Fortunenotes:


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Insouciance Rules The West

Insouciance Rules The West

Europe is being overrun by refugees from Washington’s, and Israel’s, hegemonic policies in the Middle East and North Africa that are resulting in the slaughter of massive numbers of civilians. The inflows are so heavy that European governments are squabbling among themselves about who is to take the refugees. Hungary is considering constructing a fence, like the US and Israel, to keep out the undesirables. Everywhere in the Western media there are reports deploring the influx of migrants; yet nowhere is there any reference to the cause of the problem.

The European governments and their insouciant populations are themselves responsible for their immigrant problems. For 14 years Europe has supported Washington’s aggressive militarism that has murdered and dislocated millions of peoples who never lifted a finger against Washington. The destruction of entire countries such as Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, and now Syria and Yemen, and the continuing US slaughter of Pakistani civilians with the full complicity of the corrupt and traitorous Pakistani government, produced a refugee problem that the moronic Europeans brought upon themselves.

Europe deserves the problem, but it is not enough punishment for their crimes against humanity in support of Washington’s world hegemony.

In the Western world insouciance rules governments as well as peoples, and most likely also everywhere else in the world. It remains to be seen whether Russia and China have any clearer grasp of the reality that confronts them.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency until his retirement in August 2014, has confirmed that the Obama regime disregarded his advice and made a willful decision to support the jihadists who now comprise ISIS. ( https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/officials-islamic-state-arose-from-us-support-for-al-qaeda-in-iraq-a37c9a60be4 )

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Hardline Australia, confused Scandinavia and tense Russia: the global immigration picture | World news | The Guardian

Hardline Australia, confused Scandinavia and tense Russia: the global immigration picture | World news | The Guardian.

Few issues excite politicians’ and voters’ passions as much as immigration. For decades now, the world has been on the move: last year, according to the United Nations Population Fund, the number of people living outside their country of origin reached 232 million – 50% more than in 1990.

That may feel like a lot of people; in fact, it represents just 3.2% of the world’s population. They are, however, unevenly spread: 60% live in the developed world, including 72 million in Europe, 71 million in Asia and 53 million in North America. Nearly two-thirds of migrants currently living in the developed world came from a developing country.

Logically, the developed world is also where international immigrants represent a larger proportion of the total population: 10.8%, against just 1.6% in developing regions. Migrants, for example, now make up 9.8% of the total population in Europe, 14.9% in North America, and more than 20% in Oceania.

But it seems migration patterns are shifting. While more people still settle in developed countries than in developing, the growth rate is now higher in the latter: 1.8% against 1.5%. Also, overall migration is slowing. From 2000 to 2010, 4.6 million people left their home country each year; that number is now 3.6 million. But migration and its effects, real or perceived, remain one of the defining political and social issues of the day. In Britain and the US, the subject – anti-immigration; Ukip’s onward march; Barack Obama’s decision to give up to 5 million immigrants work permits – dominates national debate.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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