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Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies

Combating Stress with Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies can be your greatest ally when stress is overwhelming you.
This piece will cover the topic of cortisol, a chemical that has far-reaching effects and is activated by stressors, such as danger or stress in general (both physical and/or emotional). We are then going to detail a couple of herbal adaptogens that are effective against cortisol and stress in general. Let’s jump into it!

Firstly, an adaptogen (if you recall from previous articles I’ve written) is an herb that assists the body in minimizing stress and its effects. It is important that you keep this term in mind, as it is a tool you will need for your herbal supply kits and naturopathic aids. Stress can take the form of emotional stress that is brought about by a dangerous, painful, or uncomfortable situation we must deal with.

Dealing with stress is normal on a daily basis. Physical stress can be brought on by illness, injury, or from rigorous and/or excessive training and exercise. For both types of stress, we must turn our focus on cortisol. What is it? Basically, cortisol is produced by the adrenal cortex: part of the adrenal gland situated upon the kidneys that are also responsible for the production of adrenalin.

Since I’ve probably bored you already, let’s cut to the chase. The adrenal glands secrete cortisol (also referred to as hydrocortisone), a hormone that helps to regulate the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.So what?” you may say. So, during times of danger, your body secretes this as part of the sympathetic-parasympathetic response to help provide you with the impetus you need to pour on the energy and speed and get away.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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