The Paris Jihad, Ready or Not, Has Begun, and Will Widen
“The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”
— Barack Hussein Obama (address to the United Nations General Assembly, September 2012)
The jihadist murders at the French satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, on January 7, 2015, was inevitable and long anticipated.
So was the concurrent detonation of a car-bomb in front of a Paris synagogue, and so were the lethal clashes with Paris police on January 8, the hostage taking in a kosher market in Paris (where the hostage takers threatened to execute six hostages if the Charlie Hebdo attackers were harmed by police), and the random shooting near the Eiffel Tower on January 9. The attack on the Charlie Hebdo is a spark and a catalyst for a still-unfolding eruption of rage of the jihadist youth of France and Western Europe.
By late afternoon on January 9, 2015, both hostage situations had been resolved, with the jihadist hostage-takers killed by police.
A witness at the scene of the shooting told police that one of the shooters told the bystanders: “You can tell the media that it’s al-Qaida in Yemen.” Indeed, Charlie Hebdo and the key editors, writers, and cartoonists were for a long time on the “most wanted” list of the Yemen-based Al-Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). They featured on the list of the most hated Westerners in the March 2013 issue of AQAP’s Inspire Magazine.
On January 9, 2015, Caliphate senior official Abu Saad al-Ansari claimed responsibility in a sermon deliv-ered during the Friday prayers in Mosul. He explained that the attacks in Paris were the first salvo in a major offensive against the West avenging the US-led “transgression” — air strikes — against the Cali-phate’s forces. “We started with the France operation for which we take responsibility. Tomorrow will be in Britain, America and others,” Abu Saad al-Ansari stated. “This is a message to all countries participating in the [US-led] coalition that has killed Islamic State members.”
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