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How the Shadow Government works: Privacy vs Secrecy

How the Shadow Government works: Privacy vs Secrecy

(Global Intel Hub 4/14/2020 – Charlotte, NC – ) Now that we are all homebound only to rely on ‘official’ sources of information as to what’s going on, a deep dive into the shadow government is called for; what it is, and what role it plays in COVERT-19.  As we explain in Splitting Pennies, the world is not as it seems.  First we want to mention that the word ‘conspiracy’ was invented by CIA Psychologists to discredit any alternative to the lone gunman theory, which has been proven demonstrably false.  Those in the FBI know very well who organized it, as agents were ‘called off’ of one of the most important murder investigations in history by the ‘higher ups’ and this was the moment that the Shadow Government was created.  The Shadow Government is not really the government this is a code word, most of those individuals who are its operators are in fact working for (or have previously worked for, or will be working for) private enterprise.  This is the most important thing to understand – it’s a business.  Everyone always asks the question ‘why’ ? What is the motive of the shadow government?  It’s really simple, power, which equals money.  We’ll get into their unfair business practices later.  First we need to understand the difference between PRIVACY and SECRECY from a legal (systemic) perspective – looking at markets.  Public markets are open and transparent, meaning that there are rules in place whereby public companies have a disclosure burden, not only with quarterly financials but with their operations.  For example, food companies must disclose what ingredients are in the food.  There’s only one exception – patents.  Heinz Ketchup has a ‘secret ingredient’ which is probably the genetically modified blood sample of Henry Heinz mass produced in a laboratory – so for this ‘secret’ they are allowed to write ‘other ingredients.’ 

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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