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July 5, 2024 Readings

July 5, 2024 Readings

Move Over, Disaster Capitalism–Make Room for Addiction Capitalism–Charles Hugh Smith

No Escape From Unchecked Government Spending and Deficits…Here’s The Proof–Crisis Investing

Doug Casey on Revisionist History and How the Good Guys Don’t Always Win

Houthi Attacks On Ships Soar Most This Year In June As Critical Maritime Chokepoint Ablaze In Conflict | ZeroHedge

Cat 4 Hurricane Beryl Heads Towards Texas, Threatening Major Oil Refineries | ZeroHedge

Craig Murray’s Campaign Against Empire – Read by Eunice Wong

Egypt Teeters On Brink Of Economic Ruin As Public Debt Mounts, Poverty Rate Soars | ZeroHedge

Green New Scam Is Dying – The Daily Reckoning

The Massive Harm of LNG Fracking, Tallied | The Tyee

The Status of U.S. Oil Production: 2024 Update Everything Shines By Dimming – resilience

The Systems Within–Earth4All

From Milk Runs to MAD to Madness | Mises Institute

Borneo’s Dayak adapt Indigenous forestry to modern peat management–MongaBay

Brace for Peak Impact | Do the Math

It’s Too Hot For Trains In Canada–Guy McPherson

This Civilization Is Deeply Unnatural–Caitlin Jonstone

The Media Don’t Get Degrowth–Degrowth Is The Answer

From Milk Runs to MAD to Madness | Mises Institute

The Awesome, Terrifying Power of the Press

Scientists And Farmers Restore Aztec-Era Floating Farms That House Axolotls–MongaBay

Rebuilding the flax / textile industry as a commons: Fantasy Fibre Mill

Reporters Blame “Right-Wing Media” for Their Failure to Disclose Biden’s Infirmity – JONATHAN TURLEY

Putin: Russia Will Only Use Nuclear Weapons ‘If We Are Victims Of Aggression’

Speaking at a policy forum on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin doubled-down on a warning to Russia’s geopolitical foes first made earlier this year when he declared that Russia would only use its “unstoppable” nuclear weapons in response to an incoming missile attack.

While Russia would undertake a preemptive nuclear strike, Putin said Russia wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate if its warning systems spot incoming missiles, even if it would mean the mutually assured destruction of both parties, as ABC News reported. Any “aggressor should know that retaliation is inevitable, and that it will be destroyed” Putin said.


At least Russia can be secure in the knowledge that its citizens “will go to heaven” because they would be on the defensive. Meanwhile, its aggressors would meet a much less desirable fate in the afterlife.

“When we see a coming strike on the territory of Russia, we will retaliate.” He acknowledged it will mean a global catastrophe, but emphasized that “we can’t be those who initiated it.”

We are victims of aggression, we as martyrs will go to heaven. And they’ll just die. Because you can’t even repent.”

Putin also claimed that ISIS had taken 700 hostages in Syria, some of whom were European and US citizens. And while their governments do nothing, the hostages are being killed off at a rate of 10 a day.

During a speech earlier this year, Putin unveiled a bevy of new weapons, including nuclear subs equipped with hypersonic missiles that could evade NATO ABM defenses, that he said will be ready in the coming years, as other Russian officials have warned that the US’s aggressive sanctions and abusive policies toward Russia had succeeded in instigating a revival of the Cold War-era “arms race.” 

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US Foreign Policies Remain Unchanged Since 1948

US Foreign Policies Remain Unchanged Since 1948

US Foreign Policies Remain Unchanged Since 1948

Ever since 1948, the US Government’s foreign policies have been consistently focused upon breaking up the Soviet Union and turning its Warsaw Pact allies against the Soviet Union; and, then, once that would be (and was) accomplished, turning any remaining allies of Russia against Russia; and, then, once that will have been accomplished, conquering Russia. Since at least 2006, US ‘defense’ policy has been that nuclear war will be an acceptable way to conquer Russia if lesser measures fail to do the job. (Since 2006, the concept that a nuclear war between the US and Russia would result in “mutually assured destruction,” or “MAD” — a war that both parties to it would lose — has been rejected at the highest levels of the US Government, but continues unchanged as being the policy at the highest levels of Russia’s Government, which are terrified of the US Government’s attempts to develop anti-ballistic missiles and other systems that would eliminate Russia’s defenses — i.e., ability to retaliate — against a US nuclear first-strike attack — terrified at the US Government’s preparations to win a nuclear war.)

When the Republican US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on 26 March 2012 that, “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe”, he was actually stating publicly something that US President Barack Obama secretly agreed with and had been working since day-one of his Presidency to implement — and his State Department had secretly already been drawing up plans since 2011 to overthrow the Moscow-friendly leaders of two nations: Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and Ukraine’s Viktor Yanukovych. But Obama (who was the most gifted liar in US Presidential history, and really understood how to use truths to demolish even lies that his own policies were secretly based upon — simultaneously criticising bad polices while secretly implementing them) responded to Romney’s statement of March 26th, by saying on 22 October 2012, “Gov. Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida.

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Eric Zuesse: America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

Eric Zuesse: America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

Submitted by investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  hey’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

America’s Secret Planned Conquest Of Russia

The U.S. government’s plan to conquer Russia is based upon a belief in, and the fundamental plan to establish, “Nuclear Primacy” against Russia — an American ability to win a nuclear war against, and so conquer, Russia.

This concept became respectable in U.S. academic and governmental policymaking circles when virtually simultaneously in 2006 a short-form and a long-form version of an article endorsing the concept, which the article’s two co-authors there named “nuclear primacy,” were published respectively in the world’s two most influential journals of international affairs, Foreign Affairs from the Council on Foreign Relations, and International Security from Harvard. (CFR got the more popular short version, titled “The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy”, and Harvard got the more scholarly long version, which was titled “The End of MAD?”.)

This article claimed that the central geostrategic concept during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, Mutually Assured Destruction or “MAD” — in which there is no such thing as the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. conquering the other, because the first of the two to attack will itself also be destroyed by the surviving nuclear forces of the one responding to that attack — will soon be merely past history (like the Soviet Union itself already is); and, so, as the short form of the article said, “nuclear primacy remains a goal of the United States”; and, as the long form said, “the United States now stands on the cusp of nuclear primacy.” In other words: arms-control or no, the U.S. should, and soon will, be able to grab Russia (the largest land-mass of any country, and also the one richest in natural resources).

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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