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“Down The Rabbit Hole” – The Eurodollar Market Is The Matrix Behind It All

“Down The Rabbit Hole” – The Eurodollar Market Is The Matrix Behind It All


  • The Eurodollar system is a critical but often misunderstood driver of global financial markets: its importance cannot be understated.
  • Its origins are shrouded in mystery and intrigue; its operations are invisible to most; and yet it controls us in many ways. We will attempt to enlighten readers on what it is and what it means.
  • However, it is also a system under huge structural pressures – and as such we may be about to experience a profound paradigm shift with key implications for markets, economies, and geopolitics.
  • Recent Fed actions on swap lines and repo facilities only underline this fact rather than reducing its likelihood

What is The Matrix? 

A new world-class golf course in an Asian country financed with a USD bank loan. A Mexican property developer buying a hotel in USD. A European pension company wanting to hold USD assets and swapping borrowed EUR to do so. An African retailer importing Chinese-made toys for sale, paying its invoice in USD.

All of these are small examples of the multi-faceted global Eurodollar market. Like The Matrix, it is all around us, and connects us. Also just like The Matrix, most are unaware of its existence even as it defines the parameters we operate within. As we shall explore in this special report, it is additionally a Matrix that encompasses an implicit power struggle that only those who grasp its true nature are cognizant of.

Moreover, at present this Matrix and its Architect face a huge, perhaps existential, challenge.

Yes, it has overcome similar crises before…but it might be that the Novel (or should we say ‘Neo’?) Coronavirus is The One.

So, here is the key question to start with: What is the Eurodollar system? 

For Neo-phytes

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You Are Well Inside the Matrix

Berthe Morisot The old track to Auvers 1863 
Our politicians and media are not going to allow us to see Russia, and any incidents the country can be linked to, in any other way than black and white, in which we are the good party and they are the black, evil and guilty ones. So we’ll have to do that ourselves.More than enough has been said about why NATO should have been dismantled when the reason for its existence, the Soviet Union, was dissolved, but nobody listened and NATO has kept expanding eastward and demanding more money, more members, more weapons.

NATO demands an enemy, and their chosen enemy is Russia. This has nothing to do with anything Russia has done or is doing at the moment. We can only hope that people are willing to accept that simple fact. And not passively go along with the flow of badmouthing and smear that decides what our picture of the country is.

Russia ‘invaded’ Crimea? Russia ‘downed’ MH17? Russia sent two hapless and inept blokes to kill the Skripals? Russia launched an unprovoked attack on three Ukrainian vessels in the Sea of Azov? Russia colluded with the Trump campaign against Hillary Clinton? And collaborated with Julian Assange to make that happen?

What all these allegations have in common is that there is no evidence any of them are true. Oh, and that nobody’s really trying to prove them anymore. Because you’ve already accepted them as gospel.

90% or so of Crimeans voted to be part of Russia, after the west had tried their hand at regime change in Kiev, with John McCain and Victoria Nuland opening the gates for various neo-nazi groups to enter government.

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How To Wake Up

How To Wake Up

I’ve been putting off writing this article all year, but readers keep asking for it, and since I’ve been writing about mass enlightenment a lot lately I figure I might as well slip it in now.

It is a well-documented fact that it is possible for the human organism to move into a far more healthy relationship with thought than the one which most people experience. This shift has been written about for as long as there has been written language, and scientists have been confirming its existence using modern studies now. Spiritual enlightenment is real, and it is possible. It is possible for thought to take on a role as a useful tool that one can pick up and use in a wholesome way when it’s needed and put down when it isn’t, rather than being the writer, director and star of the entire show as is typical in human experience. If this is possible for the individual, it is possible for the collective.

Our species is at an evolve-or-die crossroads. We will cease destroying our ecosystem and flirting with nuclear armageddon in the very near future, or we will go the way of the dinosaur. The reason we continue on our current trajectory is because a few sociopathic plutocrats have seized control of the dominant narratives we tell ourselves about what’s going on in the world by buying up the news media people use to keep themselves informed. The plutocrat-controlled media manipulate the ways we think and vote to ensure that we will continue supporting the ecocidal, omnicidal, Orwellian status quo upon which the oligarchs have built their empire, instead of rising up and demanding a system that prioritizes human thriving and peaceful coexistence with each other and our environment.

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Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

Society Is Made Of Narrative. Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix.

In the movie The Matrix, humans are imprisoned in a virtual world by a powerful artificial intelligence system in a dystopian future. What they take to be reality is actually a computer program that has been jacked into their brains to keep them in a comatose state. They live their whole lives in that virtual simulation, without any way of knowing that what they appear to be experiencing with their senses is actually made of AI-generated code.

Life in our current society is very much the same. The difference is that instead of AI, it’s psychopathic oligarchs who are keeping us asleep in the Matrix. And instead of code, it’s narrative.

Society is made of narrative like the Matrix is made of code. Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government, they’re all purely mental constructs which exist nowhere outside of the mental noises in our heads. If I asked you to point to your knee you could do so instantly and wordlessly, but if I asked you to point to the economy, for example, the closest you could come is using a bunch of linguistic symbols to point to a group of concepts. To show me the economy, you’d have to tell me a story.

Anyone who has ever experienced a moment of mental stillness knows that without the chatter, none of those things are part of your actual present experience. There is no identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics or government in your experience without the mental chatter about those things. There’s not even a “you” anywhere to be found, because it turns out that that’s made of narrative, too.

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BABY STEPS: You’ve Been Woke. Now Exit the Matrix.

BABY STEPS: You’ve Been Woke. Now Exit the Matrix.

‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!  She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit……

Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues

– Revelation 18

There is an English salutation said to have been translated from a Chinese curse.  It states: May you live in interesting times. Well, like it or not, we do. There is so much insanity occurring every day, on a global basis, it is difficult to process.  So much so, that historians will one day look back on our time and scratch their heads in open-jawed, disbelief.

“Wait a minute,” they will say, “let us get this straight:”

Adam Schiff, the ranking member on the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was overseeing an investigation into President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia because Trump was said to have obtained damaging information on Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton; but, during the same time period, Schiff was engaged in obtaining damaging information from Russians on Presidential Candidate Donald Trump?

Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had to rig the 2016 Primary Elections because she was losing to a very popular Democratic Socialist?  Then Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential Election? Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, even when the charitable foundation she founded with her husband, an impeached former U.S. president and disbarred attorney, profited $145 million in the sale of 20% of America’s uranium supply to Russia?  Russia? Who, supposedly, stole the election from her?


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Where is Neo When We Need Him

Where is Neo When We Need Him

In The Matrix in which Americans live, nothing is ever their fault. For example, the current decline in the US stock market is not because years of excessive liquidity supplied by the Federal Reserve have created a bubble so overblown that a mere six stocks, some of which have no earnings commiserate with their price, accounted for more than all of the gain in market capitalization in the S&P 500 prior to the current disruption.

In our Matrix existence, the stock market decline is not due to corporations using their profits, and even taking out loans, to repurchase their shares, thus creating an artificial demand for their equity shares.

The decline is not due to the latest monthly reporting of durable goods orders falling on a year-to-year basis for the sixth consecutive month.

The stock market decline is not due to a weak economy in which after a decade of alleged economic recovery, new and existing home sales are still down by 63% and 23% from the peak in July 2005.

The stock market decline is not due to the collapse in real median family income and, thereby, consumer demand, resulting from two decades of offshoring middle class jobs and partially replacing them with minimum wage part-time Walmart jobs without benefits that do not provide sufficient income to form a household.

No, none of these facts can be blamed. The decline in the US stock market is the fault of China.

What did China do? China is accused of devaluing by a small amount its currency.

Why would a slight adjustment in the yuan’s exchange value to the dollar cause the US and European stock markets to decline?


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Slave or Rebel? Ten Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny

Slave or Rebel? Ten Principles for Escaping the Matrix and Standing Up to Tyranny

“Until they become conscious, they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled, they cannot become conscious.”—George Orwell

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It’s a shell game intended to keep us focused on and distracted by all of the politically expedient things that are being said—about militarized police, surveillance, and government corruption—while the government continues to frogmarch us down the road toward outright tyranny.

Unarmed citizens are still getting shot by militarized police trained to view them as the enemy and treated as if we have no rights. Despite President Obama’s warning that the nation needs to do some “soul searching” about issues such as race, poverty and the strained relationship between law enforcement and the minority communities they serve, police killings and racial tensions are at an all-time high. Just recently, in Texas, a white police officer was suspended after video footage showed him “manhandling, arresting and drawing his gun on a group of black children outside a pool party.”

Americans’ private communications and data are still being sucked up by government spy agencies. The USA Freedom Act was just a placebo pill intended to make us feel better without bringing about any real change. As Bill Blunden, a cybersecurity researcher and surveillance critic, points out, “The theater we’ve just witnessed allows decision makers to boast to their constituents about reforming mass surveillance while spies understand that what’s actually transpired ishardly major change.”

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If you are not shaping your own reality, then someone else is doing it for you.

The Control System serves up the default reality configuration for those who do not determine their own. There is no neutrality. Each individual has a prescribed belief system downloaded into their head via repeated containment encoding* that emanates from parenting, schooling, sociological trends, organized religion and the mainstream media. The ultra-saturation of this mass hypnosis is so pervasive and well established that most people no longer wish to think for themselves, preferring instead to slip into the anesthetizing pre-packaged reality they have grown to venerate.

For those who have chosen a path of awakening, the study of esoteric knowledge and the transcendent journey itself automatically formulates a deprogramming procedure to remove Control System sludge from one’s personal world view. An enema for the mind. As the transparent absurdity of the old hierarchical systems is perceived, a dynamic gnosis of the sacred and sovereign nature of one’s own being starts to resonate new harmonic insights and deeper universal connections. All part of the natural progress of the soul. In stark contrast, for the other 7 billion sleepers on the planet, ever deeper and more elaborate unreality indoctrination is conjured upon them to constrain any sense of selfhood.

The manufactured scarcity of resources like clean drinking water, nutritious food and proper shelter makes survival a fulltime occupation for many. In these conditions, considerations of personal growth or self-actualization are remote, low-priority concepts at best. Even for those residing in rich nations, a coordinated barrage of industrialization, religion, government and sensual distraction continues to successfully lay down the blue print of how one should live a synthetic life. Either way, with disempowered spirits and blunted minds, the psychic, emotional and kinetic energies of the masses are rerouted into the Control System machine, making the natural process of personal awakening not only highly improbable, but distinctly unappealing. The psychology of ‘previous investment’ firmly anchors people into the consumer plantation paradigm, having been addicted to it all their lives, pouring emotional and financial resources into its very heart. To pull the plug on such a profound relationship is unthinkable. Thus, many will fiercely defend their right to dwell within the Matrix.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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