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What to Eat When You’re Broke

What to Eat When You’re Broke

The lower your income is, the more difficult it is to be particular about what you feed your family.

This probably isn’t an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $50-75.  Food manufacturers that target lower-income shoppers with more affordable products tend to include more GMOs and toxic ingredients in their offerings.

Sometimes, it just isn’t possible to stick to my usual food restrictions.  Generally speaking, I avoid:

  • Non-organic dairy because of the hormones and antibiotics as well as the GMO feed given to the animals
  • Non-organic meat because of the hormones and antibiotics as well as the GMO feed given to the animals
  • Anything containing corn, soy, or canola in any form because it is almost certain to be GMO
  • Anything with chemical additives like artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
  • Anything that is likely to have been doused in pesticides
  • Anything containing neurotoxins like MSG, fluoride, or aspartame (along with other artificial sweeteners)

It is a matter, then, of weighing the pros and cons, and figuring out what things, for you, are the most important, while also deciding which standards can be sacrificed.  These decisions will be different for everyone, based on their personal health concerns, their genetic propensity for certain diseases, and the members of the family for whom they are buying the food.

Sometimes, when you’re looking at someone else’s situation while you are comfortably backed by a loaded pantry, it’s easy to be judgemental and tell them what they “should” do. The thing that we  must all remember is that when times are tough, a person may be down to these two options with a two-week grocery budget:

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Boosting Your Immune System: 6 Things You Need to Be Eating |

Boosting Your Immune System: 6 Things You Need to Be Eating |.

Do you want glowing skin, boundless energy, and a nearly super-human resistance to germs and viruses?

It’s time to step up your nutritional game. With flu season bearing down on us, we’re hearing a lot in the media about how we should be rolling up our sleeves for a toxic flu shot. Instead, perhaps we should be focused on immunity-boosting foods that will help our bodies to fight off the bugs that come knocking.  Last week, we discussed what NOT to eat, but it’s a lot more fun to think about the delicious bounty we should be consuming.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.


There are so many wonderful nutritious whole foods out there that it would be impossible to make a comprehensive list of everything that enhances your immune system. It probably goes without saying that I strongly recommend organic, local versions of these items whenever possible. If you can’t get the food locally, the next best choice is usually frozen, since that was done at peak ripeness.  Food that was picked two weeks ago while unripe, then shipped and artificially ripened, just doesn’t have the same benefits. As well, not all of these foods are healthy for everyone. Obviously, if you’re lactose intolerant, you shouldn’t be downing a glass of raw milk. If you’re a vegetarian, look for other sources of certain nutrients. Adapt these suggestions to fit your lifestyle.

– See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/boosting-your-immune-system-6-things-you-need-to-be-eating-11012014#sthash.PXJA6lmn.dpuf

Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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