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“The Last War We Can Afford To Fight”: Tucker Carlson Sounds Alarm Over De-Dollarization, Slams Biden Admin For Pissing Off World

“The Last War We Can Afford To Fight”: Tucker Carlson Sounds Alarm Over De-Dollarization, Slams Biden Admin For Pissing Off World

As we’ve noted several times of late, a growing number of countries are threatening the US dollar’s status as the global reserve currency by conducting global trade without it – you know, the thing Saddam and Gaddafi threatened to do before they were ‘liberated’ from their mortal coils for other stated reasons.

Some recent headlines;

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has picked up on this, big time, noting that the process began after the Biden administration started wielding the dollar as a political weapon by freezing US dollars held by Russians.

Carlson cites an article from the Daily Caller, in which authors E.J. Antoni and Peter St. Onge write:

A second critical feature of a reserve currency is its apolitical nature. Which Biden is now gutting. After both parties in Washington destroyed the dollar’s stability with inflation, now the Biden administration has chosen to wield the dollar as a weapon. Together, the message to foreigners they should get out while they still can.

In response to Russia’s war with the Ukraine, the US froze the dollar reserves of Russia’s central bank. To be clear, these were not American assets, but were dollars owned by the Russian central bank and the Russian people. The seizure was intended to cause bank runs and collapse Russia’s credit system. It didn’t work.

Instead, it exposed the Biden administration’s willingness to violate the trillions of dollars foreigners rightfully own. The danger of this precedent is difficult to overstate.

This part is a must-hear from Carlson in response to the above (starts at 7:15 in the video below):

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Tucker Carlson: The U.S. is about to run out of diesel fuel

Tucker Carlson: The U.S. is about to run out of diesel fuel

Fox News Reports Coronavirus Originated In Wuhan Lab

Fox News Reports Coronavirus Originated In Wuhan Lab 

Fox News reports that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that “patient zero” was a lab employee who became infected before spreading it in the community – just as we have reported repeatedly over the past three months, in exchange for which Twitter’s “appropriate content” arbiters deplatformed us without reason or explanation.

According to ‘multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China’s government,’ the initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human, and that the ‘official’ story amplified by the MSM – namely that the virus originated at the Wuhan wet market – was a coverup by Chinese officials ‘in order to deflect blame from the laboratory, along with the country’s propaganda efforts targeting the U.S. and Italy,’ reads the report.

In what may or may not be a bit of narrative shaping from ‘official sources,’ Fox reports that China’s Wuhan laboratory was working with COVID-19 “not as a bioweapon, but as part of China’s effort to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States.

So – lab accident while trying to compete with America’s capabilities appears to be the official story.

On Tuesday, the Washington Post reported that the US State Department received two cables from US Embassy officials in 2018 warning of inadequate safety at WIF, which was conducting ‘risky studies’ on bat coronaviruses, according to the Washington Postwhich notes that the cables have “fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus.”

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Large Scale US Airstrikes Underway Against Iran-Backed Militias In Iraq

Large Scale US Airstrikes Underway Against Iran-Backed Militias In Iraq

After earlier in the day President Trump authorized the Pentagon to “do what we need to do” in terms of a military response against Iran-backed militias believed responsible for Wednesday’s rocket attacks on Camp Taji, which killed one British and two American soldiers, and wounded at least a dozen more, there are widespread reports the US has initiated massive airstrikes over southern Iraq late Thursday night

A BBC correspondent in the region is describing “multiple strikes across Iran-backed groups’ facilities” which include “logistics and drone warehouses.”

Early reports suggest the attack includes “large amounts of munitions” on multiple Iraqi Shia militia targets. Moments after initial reports on social media US defense offcials confirmed that “airstrikes are underway against Iran-backed militia group that hit Iraq base,”according to the Associated Press

Bombing #Iran-backed paramilitary group positions around #Karbala and #Salahaddin is significant. This is the largest amount of force I’ve seen against Hashd (#PMF) so far. These areas are considered “No fly zones” for #Coalition. Jets may have come from #UAE or #Kuwait

As if the Mideast region and the world for that matter needs another crisis to worry about, this could be the start of the kind of tit-for-tat between the US and Iran which paved the way for the US killing by drone of IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani on January 3rd. Since then, the two have been on a war footing. 

Defense Secretary Mark Esper hours ago warned the US would hold the groups behind Wednesday’s attack on Taji base accountable. “You don’t get to shoot at our bases and kill and wound Americans and get away with it,” he said earlier.

According to Fox News security correspondent Jennifer Griffin:

The US response will be “proportional” targeting multiple locations used by Iranian backed Shia militias across Iraq and along Syrian border.

Will be limited to airstrikes: source. Will degrade Shia militia/ Kata’eb Hezbollah ability to strike: US military source.

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4,000 US Troop Surge To Middle East Could Be Imminent Amid Baghdad Chaos

4,000 US Troop Surge To Middle East Could Be Imminent Amid Baghdad Chaos

Three U.S. defense officials told Fox News on Tuesday that the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division’s alert brigade has been given orders to deploy to Kuwait amid the social unrest in Baghdad. 

Even though all supporters of Iran-backed militias have withdrawn from the heavily fortified U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on Wednesday, the reinforcement of U.S. troops could be imminent. 

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in a statement on Tuesday that 750 troops are immediately deploying to the Middle East because of the attack on the U.S. embassy. 

The US says it’s sending 750 troops to Iraq after its embassy in Baghdad was stormed by protesters.

Read more: https://aje.io/lw9m2 

Esper said he had authorized the deployment of an infantry battalion from the Immediate Response Force (IRF) of the 82nd Airborne Division.

“This deployment is an appropriate and precautionary action taken in response to increased threat levels against U.S. personnel and facilities, such as we witnessed in Baghdad today,” Esper said in a statement.

Apart from the rapid deployment, the three sources told Fox that approximately 4,000 paratroopers could be deployed to the region in the coming days.

There are 5,000 US troops currently stationed in Iraq supporting local forces, among the more than 60,000 troops positioned in military bases across the Middle East.

President Trump blamed Iran for the attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad in a tweetstorm on Tuesday.

“Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will,” tweeted Trump. “Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible.”

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Rare Fox News Segment Details Saudi State Sponsorship Of 9/11 Attacks

Rare Fox News Segment Details Saudi State Sponsorship Of 9/11 Attacks

During an episode this past week, Tucker Carlson of Fox News laid out the growing evidence of Saudi state sponsorship of 9/11, based on additional details coming out of the 9/11 victims families’ lawsuit against the kingdom. 

Noting that the US increasingly appears “on the brink of bombing Iran” he questioned, “why are we doing that?” Carlson answered, “well we’re primarily doing that to protect Saudi Arabia.”

“Iran had nothing to do with 9/11,” he noted in his opening comments. “Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, was so connected to 9/11 that the families of many 9/11 victims are seeking justice  payment as recompense for the Saudis’ role. So How exactly does the country and its government get to ignore this?”

Saudi Arabia knowingly provided al Qaeda with support, financing and resources that were material, substantial and critical to the success of the September 11th Attacks — 9/11 victims families’ lawsuit.

“A heavily redacted 2012 [government] report describes the support Saudi government officials gave to two hijackers after they arrived in Los Angeles. The officials gave the two al Qaeda members assistance in daily activities’…” Carlson explained. 

The Fox host also referenced a sworn testimony by a high ranking FBI agent privy to the investigation who admitted the hijackers “would have had zero chance for success without a support structure waiting for them.”

“The families still want more information declassified about Saudi involvement and feel as if their own government has betraed them,” Carlson continued in his report. 

Relative of one 9/11 victim, Brett Eagleson, said during the segment, “One would like to think that the FBI works for the American people and not the interests of Saudi Arabia.”

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Peter Schiff: The Only Winners Will Be the People Who Bought Gold and Silver

Peter Schiff: The Only Winners Will Be the People Who Bought Gold and Silver

Gold has been on a three-day skid, but as Fox Business anchor Liz Claman put it, “So what? It’s been a breakout summer for bullion.”

Over the last three months, gold is up about 12% and has hit six-and-a-half year highs in recent weeks.

Peter Schiff joined Claman, along with, Frank Holmes and Imaru Cassanova on The Claman Countdown to talk about the yellow metal.

Holmes started out the segment saying that recession fears are driving central bank easy monetary policy and that’s good for gold.

Each month we’re seeing more and more governments offering you a negative real rate of return on your money and that automatically makes gold much more attractive. And I don’t think it’s ending yet.”

Cassanova said gold has come back in favor after being range-bound for nearly six years.

In June, it broke out … The driver there was the Fed. What is the Fed signaling when they are shifting, when they are going from tightening to cutting? They’re saying we too are worried about the US economy. And investors responded to that — to the higher risk of a recession in the US.”

Claman noted China has added about 100 tons of gold to its reserves over the last nine months. She asked Peter if China’s stockpiling of gold plays into the picture. He said he expects China to keep adding gold, along with other central banks because they recognize the weakness of the US dollar.

The dollar is actually very weak. People have been looking at the dollar versus other fiat currencies. But if you look at the dollar’s decline against gold, that really tells you that we have a weak dollar, not a strong dollar, and I think it’s going to get a lot weaker.

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That Time John Bolton Said It’s Good To Lie About War

That Time John Bolton Said It’s Good To Lie About War

Journalist Whitney Webb recently tweeted a 2010 video clip I’d never seen before featuring US National Security Advisor John Bolton defending the use of deception in advancing military agendas, which highlights something we should all be paying attention to as Trump administration foreign policy becomes increasingly Boltonized.

On a December 2010 episode of Fox News’ Freedom Watch, Bolton and the show’s host Andrew Napolitano were debating about recent WikiLeaks publications, and naturally the subject of government secrecy came up.

“Now I want to make the case for secrecy in government when it comes to the conduct of national security affairs, and possibly for deception where that’s appropriate,” Bolton said. “You know Winston Churchill said during World War Two that in wartime truth is so important it should be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.”

“Do you really believe that?” asked an incredulous Napolitano.

“Absolutely,” Bolton replied.

“You would lie in order to preserve the truth?”

“If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it,” Bolton answered.

“I don’t think we’re often faced with that difficulty, but would I lie about where the D-Day invasion was going to take place to deceive the Germans, you’d better believe it,” Bolton continued.

“Why do people in the government think that the laws of society or the rules don’t apply to them?” Napolitano asked.

“Because they are not dealing in the civil society we live in under the Constitution,” Bolton replied. “They are dealing in the anarchic environment internationally where different rules apply.”

“But you took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and the Constitution mandates certain openness and certain fairness,” Napolitano protested. “You’re willing to do away with that in order to attain a temporary military goal?”

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El-Erian: 1000-Point Swings In The Dow Are The “New Reality”

While even some of the most dogged bulls are throwing in the towel on their optimistic forecasts for the US (see Goldman taking the axe to its 2019 GDP forecast noted earlier), there are those who steadfastly believe that 2019 will be a solid year for the US economy, and that no recession is still in sight.

One among them is Allianz chief economic advisor Mohamed El-Erian, who dismissed concerns that the US is facing a recession in the coming year, saying in an interview on Fox News Sunday that the economy is likely to continue growing at 2.5-3%.

“[A recession] is certainly not becoming a reality. You need either a major policy mistake or a massive market accident to push us into recession. But we will slowdown unless we build on the pro-growth policies.”

On the same day that he penned a Bloomberg op-ed, explaining why “life is getting harder for central banks” in which he concluded that “whichever way you look at it central banks will be exposed to more criticism from politicians, market participants and analysts” – and rightfully so, after all it was the central banks that engaged in the biggest can-kicking experiment in history by injecting $16 trillion in liquidity and the time to pay the piper is fast approaching, El-Erian said that “Trump’s frequent criticism of Fed policy is unusual” (in fact, as Goldman observed earlier it is not at all unusual and that “it is far from unprecedented on a longer-term comparison”), adding that the independence of the central bank is important to economic security (at this point we could go into a tangent how only career economists believe the Fed is “independent”, especially from commercial bank pressure but we won’t).

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Iran’s Leadership Must Decide “If They Want Their People To Eat” – Pompeo

Less than a week after US Secretary of State Secretary Mike Pompeo told Fox News Sunday that the “Iranians are responsible for the starvation’ of Yemeni civilians” he’s again issued hugely provocative words, telling the BBC during an interview that Iranian “leadership has to make a decision that they want their people to eat” in reference to the latest round of US sanctions.

As the interview was with BBC Persian, Pompeo’s words were immediately translated from English and broadcast to the Iranian publicthrough BBC’s Persian-language publication. Pompeo repeated his theme that Iran is the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror and a “destabilizing influence” in the Middle East while ultimately blaming the country’s economic suffering on the intransigence of the country’s leaders.

Pompeo’s words came on the heels of Iran’s foreign ministry issuing a formal response to this week’s US sanctions snap back on the energy sector, publishing a 3-minute video of FM Javad Zarif on Tuesday wherein Zarif emphasized that the sanctions mainly targeted average Iranian citizens, referencing “the economic warfare that directly targets the Iranian people.”

The most contentious segment of the BBC interview was as follows:

QUESTION: You say you are not punishing the people. You say that the sanctions are not targeting the people. But what if —

SECRETARY POMPEO: No, they’re not.

QUESTION: But what if the sanctions hurt the Iranian people, the ordinary lives of them?

SECRETARY POMPEO: The folks who are hurting the Iranian people are the ayatollah and Qasem Soleimani and the Iranian leadership. That’s who is bringing the difficulties to Iran today. 

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Facebook Meddles in the 2018 Midterm Elections

Facebook Meddles in the 2018 Midterm Elections

Photo Source Mike Mozart | CC BY 2.0

On October 11, Facebook announced the removal of 559 pages and 251 accounts from its service, accusing the account holders of “spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.”

The purged users stand accused of posting “massive amounts of content … to drive traffic to their websites” with suspicious “timing ahead of US midterm elections.”

Facebook admits to “legitimate reasons” for such behavior — “it’s the bedrock of fundraising campaigns and grassroots organizations.” Not to mention the operations of CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and a bunch of other users/pages which weren’t purged.

Facebook also admits that it has previously “enforced this policy against many Pages, Groups and accounts created to stir up political debate …”

In other words, Facebook’s administrators are meddling in politics — including the 2018 US midterm elections — in the name of preventing meddling in politics.

Who benefits from the meddling? It doesn’t seem to fall along “left/right” lines in particular. The victims come from across the political spectrum — from Reverb Press on the left, to Right Wing News on the right, to the libertarian Free Thought Project — some with millions of Facebook followers.

The primary thread connecting victims of the purge seems to be that they are critics and/or opponents of the American political “mainstream” or “establishment.”

In a sense, this is nothing new. Even before Internet “social media,” the old guard “mainstream media” tended to draw fairly narrow lines on either side of the perceived political “center” or “consensus” and avoid coloring (or publishing e.g. reader letters that colored) very far outside those lines. One might support or oppose a tax increase, or even a particular tax, but opposing taxation in general? Why, that was just crazy and not worthy of consideration — or of column inches.

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Pompeo Vows “Series Of Actions” Against Venezuela’s Maduro “In The Coming Days”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued an incredible statement to Fox News on Friday, vowing to take “series of actions” in “the coming days” against Nicolas Maduro’s government in Venezuela.

The threat was couched in terms of being in the “best interest” of Venezuelans, and though Pompeo didn’t specify details, he said the US is “determined to ensure that the Venezuelan people get their say.”

“I think you’ll see in the coming days a series of actions that continue to increase the pressure level against the Venezuelan leadership folks who are working directly against the best interest of the Venezuelan people,” Pompeo told Fox.

Image via Reuters

It is the broad nature of the threat that makes it unusual, but particularly the timing and context, as it follows the early August failed assassination attempt on Maduro which interrupted a live television broadcast from Caracas. Maduro had been speaking at a military parade when two explosive-laden drones said to be flying in the direct of the podium exploded in the area.

In the aftermath the Venezuelan socialist leader blamed the United States and allied right-wing groups for being behind the attack, in a speech describing“They tried to assassinate me today,” while blaming the attack on right-wing factions specifically connected to Columbia and Florida.

He claimed at the time that “several of those intellectually responsible and the financiers of this attack live in the United States, in the state of Florida,” and called on U.S. President Donald Trump to “fight these terrorist groups”.

The live broadcast on state television showing the assassination attempt:

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Chuck Todd Blames Fox For Press Distrust, Urges Liberal Media To ‘Rise Up’

In what we initially assumed was a satire piece, NBC News’ ‘fair and balanced’political chief Chuck Todd has taken to the auspiciously open-minded pages of The Atlantic to pen an op-ed  explaining how we’ve all got it all wrong – it is Fox News’ Roger Ailes who is to blame for press distrust and in fact, it is time for the mainstream liberal media to ‘rise up’ and defend their work.

Presented with no comment (but some emphasis), here is Chuck Todd explaining that “It’s time for the press to stop complaining… and start fighting back.”

Via The Atlantic,

A nearly 50-year campaign of vilification, inspired by Fox News’s Roger Ailes, has left many Americans distrustful of media outlets. Now, journalists need to speak up for their work.

I’ve devoted much of my professional life to the study of political campaigns, not as a historian or an academic but as a reporter and an analyst. I thought I’d seen it all, from the bizarre upset that handed a professional wrestler the governorship of Minnesota to the California recall that gave us the Governator to candidates who die but stay on the ballot and win.

But there’s a new kind of campaign underway, one that most of my colleagues and I have never publicly reported on, never fully analyzed, and never fully acknowledged: the campaign to destroy the legitimacy of the American news media.

Bashing the media for political gain isn’t new, and neither is manipulating the media to support or oppose a cause. These practices are at least as old as the Gutenberg press. But antipathy toward the media right now has risen to a level I’ve never personally experienced before. The closest parallel in recent American history is the hostility to reporters in the segregated South in the 1950s and ’60s.

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Don’t Like Antiwar Lefties Going On Fox Or RT? Blame CNN And MSNBC.

Don’t Like Antiwar Lefties Going On Fox Or RT? Blame CNN And MSNBC.

As usual, Glenn Greenwald has been catching heat all over Centrist Twitter, this time for conducting a brief interview for Russian state media outlet RT after a panel appearance in Moscow. RT, in typical fashion, titled the interview “Greenwald: I came to Russia to combat US’ toxic view on the country,” which, while technically an accurate reflection of part of something Greenwald said in the interview, also happens to make perfect retweet fodder for lying sociopaths like MSNBC’s Malcolm Nance.

Nance, along with US state media outlet Polygraph, helped circulate a completely evidence-free conspiracy theory that Greenwald is “an agent of Trump and Moscow.” Nance also smeared Greenwald for having appeared on Fox News with Tucker Carlson.

This is an ongoing debate that has increased in shrillness recently that I’d like to briefly address. The argument goes that antiwar journalists who are critical of the US power establishment like Max Blumenthal and Glenn Greenwald should not be making appearances on Fox News or RT, because it lends those outlets credibility. If people see a reputable journalist appearing on Fox News, the argument goes, they will assume that that lying propaganda firm is trustworthy, and they will give it more credibility than a more liberal-aligned outlet like MSNBC, which is theoretically (*cough*) closer to the antiwar left on the ideological spectrum.

👇🏽 READ: Glen Greenwald shows his true colors as an agent of Trump & Moscow. now we know why he helped Snowden defect, covers for Wikileaks attack on Democracy & shills for Fox News. He’s deep in the Kremlin pocket.


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“Imminent Announcement” Of US Action In Syria Coming Amid Expectations Of Air Strikes “Within Hours”

Update: FoxNews just reported that an announcement on US Action in Syria is imminent.

: Fox News is broadcasting that there is an imminent announcement on the ‘ action against .

UPDATE: The “imminent” announcement on the .S action against is coming.

* * *

Reports are pouring in of US and French aircraft headed towards Syria for what we assume is a major operation if true. As of now, these reports remains unconfirmed:

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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