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The Democrats are Indeed Looking for a Coup d’etat

The Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump as long as the major press declares Biden the winner. They also have the intelligence agencies in their back pocket. Based upon our computer projections for Panic Cycles starting in November and running into February, yet predominantly in December and February, I do not see the Democrats accepting a loss should Trump win. They will turn the nation into a street fight rather than a court battle. They will assume they will lose in the Supreme Court, so they are actually trying to stage a coup d’etat and blame a Trump victory on another Russian interference. If Biden loses, the plan is to blame Russia and as the military to remove Trump.

Since the media and Big Tech is in league with the Great Reset, once they call the election for Biden, they will most likely cut off all avenues of Trump’s communication. Trump’s social media accounts will be suspended, and other than Fox News, we can even witness the refusal of the big three to report on the truth.

From currencies to stock indexes, we are staring at Panic Cycles from November into February in various markets. Even Crude Oil is showing Directional Changes in December & February. Even gold is showing turning points in November and February.

Never in all my years have I witnesses the computer correlating on a global scale around the US presidential elections. The civil unrest will escalate. Both sides will not accept a loss. This election is tearing the population apart. This is less about Trump than it is about pushing this Great Reset through the United States.

Flagrant, Cynical, Public attempt at coup d’état – Venezuela

Flagrant, Cynical, Public attempt at coup d’état – Venezuela

It came as no surprise this past week when the US Administration made good on their promises to attempt to Regime Change Venezuela, the third part of John Bolton’s Troika of Tyranny, the other parts being Cuba and Nicaragua.

But there were a few surprises.

Saker readers would be familiar with John Perkins’ The Economic Hitman where he explained how Latin American leaders compliant to Western hegemony are bought and non-compliant leaders are removed, frequently with extreme prejudice. In Perkins’ time, these adventures were hidden, because they are illegal.

The first surprise here is the open and flagrant manner in which this coup d’état is proceeding, as if it is a great accomplishment. The Regime Changers are proud and beating their chests like gorillas with their illegal action as if the accomplishment is already in the bag. But is it? Despite Venezuela being a socially divided country between poor and rich, I believe there has been enough knowledge transfer to the ordinary Venezuelan so that this time, the Regime Change is not yet ‘in the bag’.

The second surprise was the sheer theatrical component of this attempted coup d’état, and the script and the technology of regime change is openly visible. The ones that are supporting the coup d’état, acted in concert, as a bunch of bullies would, with each part nicely scripted down to the 5 minutes. This will become clearer as we continue.

The third surprise is that in the UNSC meeting yesterday (Saturday, January 26) there probably has never been a more thorough listing of regime-change operations in Latin America. This was listed both by the Russian Representative and the Venezuelan Foreign Minister. This history is now clear and public, for all to see.

 …click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Ukrainians Dispossessed

Ukrainians Dispossessed
Americans are next

Over the last 15 months Ukrainians have paid for Washington’s overthrow of their elected government in deaths, dismemberment of their country, and broken economic and political relationships with Russia that cost Ukraine its subsidized energy. Now Ukrainians are losing their pensions and traditional support payments. The Ukrainian population is headed for the graveyard.

On June 1 the TASS news agency reported that Ukraine has stopped payments to pensioners, World War II veterans, people with disabilities, and victims of Chernobyl. According to the report, Kiev has also “eliminated transport, healthcare, utilities and financial benefits for former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and recipients of some Soviet-era orders and titles. Compensations to families with children living in the areas contaminated by radiation from the Chernobyl accident will be no longer paid either. Ukraine’s parliamentary opposition believes that the Prosecutor General’s Office should launch an investigation against Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk who actively promoted the law on the abolition of privileges.”

Notice that this is a yank of the blanket from under the elderly in Ukraine. “Useless eaters,” they are assigned to the trash can. How do the deceived Maiden student protesters feel now that they are culpable in the destruction of their grandparents’ support systems? Do these gullible fools still believe in the Washington-orchestrated Maiden Revolution? The crimes in which these stupid students are complicit are horrific.


Yatsenyuk, or Yats as Victoria Nuland calls him, is the Washington stooge that the US State Department selected to run the puppet government established by Washington. Yats sounds like a right-wing Republican when he refers to pensions, compensations, and social services as “privileges.” This is the Republican view of Social Security and Medicare, programs paid for by the payroll tax over the working lives of Americans.

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…




“It’s A Coup D’Etat,” David Stockman Warns “Central Banks Are Out Of Control”

“It’s A Coup D’Etat,” David Stockman Warns “Central Banks Are Out Of Control”

We’re all about to be taken to the woodshed, warns David Stockman in this excellent interview. The huge wealth disparity is “not because of some flaw in capitalism, or Reagan tax cuts, or even the greed of Wall Street; the problem is central banks that are out of control.” Simply put, they have “syphoned financial resources into pure gambling” and the people that own the stocks and bonds get the huge financial windfall. “The 10% at the top own 85% of the financial assets,” and thus, thanks to the unleashing of almost limitless money-printing, which has created a massive worldwide financial inflation, “the central banks have created and exaggerated the wealth gap.” Stockman concludes, rather ominously, “it’s a coup d’etat, the central banks have taken over – unconstitutional domination of the entire economy.”

 “Everywhere, misleading distorted signals are being given to both public and private sector players about financial values… the prices have been falsified by The Fed.

We can’t print our way to prosperity… The Fed is now petrified that Wall Street will have a hissy-fit when they tighten.”

…click on the above link to view the video…


Apocalypse Now and Forever

Apocalypse Now and Forever

As a political psychoanalyst I find the Super-bowl halftime show the best concise index of how psychotic American culture is becoming from year to year, and the 2015 version signaled a complete break from reality, a nightmare of twerking robots in a hall of mirrors, as if America had utterly surrendered its tattered soul to some rogue motherboard pulsing deep within Dr. Evil’s subterranean palace of sin. Hence it is the perfect analog for understanding otherwise incomprehensible happenings such as the USA’s role in fomenting further chaos and mayhem in Ukraine.

How otherwise to explain things like this morning’s New York Times report that the USA “now supports providing defensive weapons and equipment to Kiev’s beleaguered forces, and an array of administration and military officials appear to be edging toward that position….”

Earth calling New York Times readers: I regret to inform you that this decision was already reached a year ago when we paid for the coup d’état against the elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, after the poor sap decided to not sign up with EU but rather the Russian-backed Eurasian Customs Union. Whoops! You’re so out of here, Bub, State Department Under Secretary Victoria Nuland burbled in a clandestinely recorded phone call to the American ambassador. Will somebody please find Yats! Yes Yats! [UKR politician Arseniy Yatsenyuk] and plug the Bluetooth earpiece of power into his skull!

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…


Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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