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Let’s Talk About the Moon: Was Apollo 11 a Hoax?

The night that Neil Armstrong was one small step for (a) man from the lunar surface I was taking my first airplane flight to a hockey camp near Toronto. I remember gazing out the window of the jet as a fourteen year old in July 1969 and imagining the Apollo craft on its impossible and miraculous journey to the very moon which I and countless others had marveled at and regarded as forever out of reach.

Yet reach it we did — we being the all-powerful United States of America, then simultaneously wielding its might in the jungles of a faraway country with perverse ferocity and with the sacrifice of American youngsters in the service of the hazy ideal of protection against Communism.

For many years, while cognizant of the endless warpath trodden by the country of my birth AFTER it had emerged as the glowing victor of World War II, bursting with economic and creative energy and bestriding the rest of the globe as the Colossus, I consoled myself and others with that magnificent and scarcely imaginable achievement of lunar landings.

Placing a man on the moon, that pure and nearly snow-white surface as far removed from the heat and grime of the napalmed Vietnamese jungles, somehow unified humanity in praise and deference, and established the United States as the artificer of miracles. In so doing it also lent a burnished sheen of intimidating and awe-inspiring power to an America whose tradition of can-do individualism was seen to have vanquished its socialistic rival, Russia.

The eyes of humankind for as long as it has trodden this precious Earth have looked heavenward and followed the glowing and bright and changeable Moon with a plethora of dreams and wishes and sighs…

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The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game

The Great Taking Exposes the Financial End Game

One of the very best exposés of the covert, very well-hidden, bellicose attempts to rob all of humanity – barring the miniscule number of psychotic individuals comprising the inimical opposition – of their material possessions and their ‘immaterial’ freedom, was published fairly recently. It is accurately titled The Great Taking (2023), and was written by David Webb, one of the most courageous and finance-savvy authors I have ever come across. He introduces the book on p. 1 in uncompromising terms:

What is this book about? It is about the taking of collateral, all of it, the end game of this globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will be similarly taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses, which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.

We are now living within a hybrid war conducted almost entirely by deception, and thus designed to achieve war aims with little energy input. It is a war of conquest directed not against other nation states but against all of humanity.

In the Prologue of the book Webb paints a richly textured, autobiographical picture of his provenance as finance guru, obviously with exceptional intelligence and, it turned out, courage…

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The Great Taking: The Latest “Anti-Mainstream” Conspiracy

A new book has exploded on the alternative / conspiracy / fringe landscape over the past few weeks – I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense. Zerohedge, Bombthrower Media, et al, we all occupy this space. Let’s call it, “anti-mainstream”.

The book is called “The Great Taking” and there is now a YouTube video documentary of it here. You can’t actually find it on Amazon (deliberate choice by author, I presume); I bought my copy via Lulu, but you can download the PDF for free here.

At the risk of oversimplifying it: The Great Taking puts forth a warning that a virtually unknown entity called “The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation” (DTCC) is effectively the “owner” of all the publicly traded companies in the world, and in fact all debt-based assets of any kind:

“It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.

Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt.”

Over the course of the book, the author describes a 50-year process by which ownership of shares in public companies, and all debt collateral has been “dematerialized”.

In the olden days, you invested in a company – they gave you physical share certificates – and you were now part owner of the company. This is still how many value investors including me think of stock ownership.

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Dr. John Coleman: 4 Billion ‘Useless Eaters’ to be Culled by 2050…written In 1993

Dr. John Coleman: 4 Billion ‘Useless Eaters’ to be Culled by 2050…written In 1993

Dr. John Coleman: 4 Billion ‘Useless Eaters’ to be Culled by 2050…written In 1993, image #1

I have picked up the following from Jeff Rense and David Icke.

As such it is deep conspiracy theory but see if any of it, written back in 1994, seems remotely familiar

Dr. John Coleman- The Committee of 300 (1994)


Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in intelligence community, researched in full scope the sinister forces behind the New world order movement.

This video lecture represents a culmination of his findings about secret societies which form this global movement and how it came into existence.

More Info: http://Coleman300.com

Free PDF Book & Sources: http://goo.gl/2q6dz & http://goo.gl/L3wSL

John Coleman (born 1935) is an author and analyst of world affairs. He has written several books and numerous papers analyzing the power structure of the world.

He argues that a relatively small group of people – whom he calls ‘The Committee of 300’ – constitute a ruling elite who are pursuing a goal of one-world government.

Coleman’s books have been influential among more well known conspiracy authors such as David Icke and Jim Marrs who quote him in their own works.

Coleman researched the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is a secret Masonic order created, with support from T. E. Lawrence, Bertrand Russell and St John Philby, to “keep the Middle East backward so its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted.”

Dr. John Coleman: 4 Billion ‘Useless Eaters’ to be Culled by 2050…written In 1993, image #2

Coleman has also criticized the Club of Romethe Giorgio Cini Foundation, Global 2000, the Interreligious Peace Colloquium, the Tavistock Institute, and other organizations…

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Dodgy Demand Data? The Oil Price Collapse Conspiracy

Dodgy Demand Data? The Oil Price Collapse Conspiracy

  • WTI oil prices have given up nearly all their gains since Russia invaded Ukraine, falling roughly 9.5% over the course of the week amid fears oil demand is collapsing.
  • Some oil pundits are now claiming that the Biden administration has been fabricating low gasoline demand data in order to drag prices lower.
  • While Gasbuddy claims there was a 2% rise in gasoline demand last week, the EIA reported a 7.6% drop in demand.

WTI crude oil prices fell to their lowest point since early February on Thursday, giving up virtually all gains since Russia invaded Ukraine. WTI crude for September delivery tumbled -1.5% to close at $89.26/bbl while Brent crude for October delivery fell -2.1% to $94.71/bbl. WTI crude has lost ~9.5% over the course of the week, marking the largest one-week percentage decline since April amid growing fears that oil demand will collapse when western nations descend into a full-blown recession.

While oil producers are certainly beginning to feel the heat, it’s refiners like Valero Energy (NYSE: VLO), Marathon Petroleum Corp.(NYSE: MPC), and Phillips 66 (NYSE: PSX) who have been hardest hit by the pullback thanks to a sharp decline in their refining margins aka crack spreads.

For months, refiners have been enjoying historically high refining margins, with the profit from making a barrel of gasoil, the building block of diesel and jet kerosene, hitting a record $68.69 in June at a typical Singapore refinery. The margin later settled in the high 30s a few weeks later, a level still nearly four times higher than the $11.83 at the end of last year, and some 550% above the profit margin at the same time in 2021.

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Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID

Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID

Ed Dowd summarizes his career and insights as a successful stock picking “conspiracy theorist”.

I first met Ed Dowd during an early trip which a group of physicians from the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists (www.globalcovidsummit.com) made to the Hawaiian Islands of Maui and Oahu during the fall of 2021.  The primary purpose of the trip was to support our physician colleagues Dr. Kirk Milhoan (MD, PhD- Pediatric Cardiologist) and Lorrin Pang (MD, MPH- Maui County Public Health Officer), who were embroiled in an effort by local press and politicians to take their medical licenses for the perceived infraction of supporting early COVID treatment and (in the case of Lorrin) relying on his own evaluation and interpretation of the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.  The particular grievance concerning Lorrin seemed to have revolved around his reservations concerning the lack of data demonstrating safety of SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccination during pregnancy.  After many long months subjected to the usual defamation and derision in local corporate-controlled media, both were eventually exonerated.  No final action was taken against them by the Hawaiian medical board, although both were deeply impacted by the experience, and I suspect will forever be more guarded and defensive in their medical practices.

It was during a local group dinner and fundraiser for the cause, held on the island of Maui, that Ed and his colleagues first introduced themselves to me. To my surprise, they indicated that they had authored a document which they named “The Malone Doctrine”.  Taken aback, as neither Jill nor I had contributed in any way, I asked why they were using this name.  Ed and his colleagues told me that “we have read and listened to everything you have said and written during COVID, and this is what is written in the white spaces between every line”…

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Must-see video: In the Dutch Parliament, speaking truth to power

Must-see video: In the Dutch Parliament, speaking truth to power

As with other European Union countries, the Dutch government has been reveling in the power COVID bestowed on it. In response, the Netherlands has seen huge and violent protests against those draconian strictures. I’m betting that some of those protesters were among the people who voted for Gideon van Meijeren, a young man newly elected to the Dutch Parliament. This young man, during his first appearance on the floor, managed in just two minutes to completely humiliate Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Watching the video will make your day.

For a long time, the Netherlands has had some of the most restrictive COVID measures in Europe. In November, the Netherlands was one of the countries that announced that the unvaccinated were banned from most public places. The restrictions escalated when the Netherlands, a country in which 85% of the adult population was vaccinated, had an upsurge in COVID cases. These restrictions included putting a curfew on all bars, restaurants, and most stores from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. Immediately after the new year, the government also made it clear that, within a few months, vaccination certificates will be considered void without a booster.

In response to the government edicts, the Netherlands has been roiled by protests. There were massive protests in NovemberDecember, and (already) in January. The January protest made world headlines when the police allowed (or ordered?) their dogs to launch brutal attacks against the protesters.

Image: Gideon van Meijeren. Rumble screen grab.

In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Gideon van Meijeren was recently elected to the Dutch Parliament. It’s very likely that his candidacy reflects Dutch citizens’ increasing disgust with the government’s endless extensions of its newly acquired COVID power over the people.

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A Big Thank You From the Global Oligarchy

Thank You

Dear People,

We are now almost two years into our great transition, and although there’s still a very long way to go, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your help in allowing the project to run so smooth thus far, and to encourage you to allow us to continue making progress.

We must begin by saying how very pleased we have been by the levels of restraint shown. Given the nature of the plan, we naturally factored in the potential for high levels of civil unrest, but we have been surprised — pleasantly surprised it must be said — by the general absence of turmoil. Yes, there have been a few outbreaks of late, and they have meant we needed to take appropriate steps — for the good of humanity — to ensure that such disquiet is not broadcast around the world. But by and large you have got on with your thing — whatever things it is that you do — which has allowed us to get on with the important business of the day, largely unhindered and with extraordinarily little fuss.

Even more pleasing than the restraint, however, has been the exceptional levels of compliance and acceptance of restrictions which — speaking candidly — we had some reason to doubt we’d be able to pull off, such were their nature. Indeed, when we ordered your governments to implement the mass quarantining of millions of healthy people for the first time in history; the wearing of bits of cloth over your faces; and the entire human race to be injected with a new technology gene therapy which had never even been used in a vaccine, nor had any long-term safety trials, there was a real possibility that you’d smell a rat and simply refuse to comply…

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The Real Con

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong,

Been reading you for a very long time. You are very insightful.

One thing I have to admit is that the Powers That Be (WEF, etc.) did not keep it in the dark of what they were planning. Definitely out there for anyone to find and read. But if you did find it and believed what they were doing, you would be labeled a conspiracy nut.

Turns out all the conspiracies are coming true. Don’t know if I should laugh or cry.


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REPLY: People judge others by themselves. I have gone head to head with all of these people. I have traded in billions against all of them. They were trying to manipulate the yen in March 1999. I stood up at our Tokyo conference, warned all our clients what they were doing, and how to defeat them. I believe Soros lost $1 billion on that one.

I stood up and warned our clients that they were going to manipulate the silver from September 1997 to January 1998 take it up to $7 and then crash it. Phibro walked across the silver ring and show Buffett’s order to my guy on the floor and said come on – join us! I knew it was Buffett for he was behind the previous silver manipulation when he took charge of Solomon Brothers which was PhiBro and they convinced him to get involved in trading the metals. I have been head to head against these people for decades. They do not like me very much and assumed that since I was correct and they lost, I just had more minions than they did. They did not think Socrates was real…

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Doug Casey on the Next “Crisis” the Global Elite Have Planned

Doug Casey on the Next “Crisis” the Global Elite Have Planned


International Man: Every year, the international ruling class—the most influential world leaders, CEOs of big corporations, top academics, and even celebrities—come together at Davos. They discuss topics that interest them and prescribe their preferred policies.

What’s your take on the Davos crowd and what they are doing?

Doug Casey: The Davos crowd has become the most visible element of the ruling class. Although, they overlap with lots of other groups who are pushing the same agenda—Bilderberg, CFR, and Bohemian Grove among them.

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article after I attended the Concordia, which is very similar, with exactly the same people. I don’t plan on going back. It was disturbing and depressing listening to soulless bigshots natter about the best way to rule the plebs.

These people are all part of what you might call the “World Deep State.” They all know each other. They go to the same conferences, and more often than not, they’ve attended the same universities, belong to the same social clubs, and have kids in the same schools.

But most importantly, they share the same worldview. They live in their own little silo, where the rest of 7.9 billion people in the world are outsiders. So it’s only natural that people in such a relatively close-knit—albeit informal—group conspire.

Adam Smith famously observed that whenever two men from the same occupation get together, they always conspire against the interests of the public. It’s a perfectly normal and natural thing.

But these people aren’t just merchants contriving to make a few extra shekels. These people are the top dogs in all of the world’s governments, NGOs, corporations, universities, and media organizations…

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WEF Announced They Won

Those who fail to see the truth and constantly call anyone who is anti-mask a conspiracy theorist when all studies show they are “useless” are in serious trouble. They are blind to reality which is precisely what those manipulating societies count on. They are the perfect example of Stanley Milgram’s experiments that discovered they are simply Obedient to Authority and are actually incapable of self-reflection, original thought, or actual unbiased analysis. These are the same people who stress over how many “likes” they get on social media and think the election was really between Trump v Biden.

Silently in the background, the elitist manipulators have succeeded in destroying much of the world economy. It was the bourgeoisie they wanted to destroy (middle-class small business owners), and while claiming the problem is inequality, the real objective was created only to wipe out local businesses to end driving around town to save the planet and you will buy or rent everything from the elite class. They are not concerned about “inequality” for they are creating the GREAT DIVIDE between everyone but them being relegated to what Marx called the proletariat or the universal class — the Great Unwashed. They will be very happy as they say in their predictions is we own nothing but somehow we will be happy as if we are living in the real version of Matrix which perhaps was their inspiration.


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This new video from Schwab’s World Economic Forum is already declaring a partial victory showing that the objective of the virus lockdowns was really for the Great Reset and climate change agenda. Make no mistake about it; even Al Gore is on the board of the World Economic Forum. These people have conspired to change the world by crushing the economy, and the police are also so stupid to follow orders blindly. They want everyone to work from home: end offices and small businesses. You will buy everything from the giant retailers, and they will be delivered so ending the need to pollute the world by driving to the store or work.

The press, who calls this a “conspiracy theory,” is part of this agenda.

Behind the Curtain

Jennifer Accuri, who had a love affair with Boris Johnson and obviously knows him very well, has also been out talking about what is going on behind the curtain. I have heard that this drive for 100% vaccination has at its core the attempt to whip society into obedient drones. That is the real goal. Whether these vaccines will result in massive deaths in 1 to 2 years as some are claiming, is questionable. I do not believe that is the goal, but that could be an unintended side-effect. I tend to suspect more of impacting fertility. However, I also know that there have been weaponizing viruses behind closed doors to target specific genetic makeup. I am NOT saying that has taken place. I am pointing out that they do have the technology to target specific genes and could have introduced something like that which is impacting some people and not others. Nobody will do a study on the vaccinated who are dying and do a correlation so we know if you have x, y, or z, do not get vaccinated.

They are altering the economy for the Great Reset BECAUSE the system is failing. They lowered interest rates to negative and destroyed their bond market. I do know that there were meeting with central banks before these lockdowns. That was not just in the UK, but also in Europe. There was not such a meet with the Fed on the part of Trump. But the Fed is well aware of what other central banks are doing and this is why the REPO crisis began with the capital flows shifting in August 2019 that our computer picked up and I reported at the WEC that year.

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Ending Anonymity: Why The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens The Future Of Privacy

Cyber Polygon

Ending Anonymity: Why The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens The Future Of Privacy

With many focusing on tomorrow’s Cyber Polygon exercise, less attention has been paid to the World Economic Forum’s real ambitions in cybersecurity – to create a global organization aimed at gutting even the possibility of anonymity online. With the governments of the US, UK and Israel on board, along with some of the world’s most powerful corporations, it is important to pay attention to their endgame, not just the simulations.

Amid a series of warnings and simulations in the past year regarding a massive cyber attack that could soon bring down the global financial system, the “information sharing group” of the largest banks and private financial organizations in the United States warned earlier this year that banks “will encounter growing danger” from “converging” nation-state and criminal hackers over the course of 2021 and in the years that follow.

The organization, called the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), made the claim in its 2021 “Navigating Cyber” report, which assesses the events of 2020 and provides a forecast for the current year. That forecast, which casts a devastating cyber attack on the financial system through third parties as practically inevitable, also makes the case for a “global fincyber [financial-cyber] utility” as the main solution to the catastrophic scenarios it predicts.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, an organization close to top FS-ISAC members has recently been involved in laying the groundwork for that very “global fincyber utility” — the World Economic Forum, which recently produced the model for such a utility through its Partnership against Cybercrime (WEF-PAC) project….

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The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Charade

The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Charade

How government and media use the phrase to suppress opposition.by

Biden’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” report last week declared that “enhancing faith in American democracy” requires “finding ways to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories.” In recent decades, conspiracy theories have multiplied almost as fast as government lies and cover-ups. While many allegations have been ludicrously far-fetched, the political establishment and media routinely attach the “conspiracy theory” label to any challenge to their dominance.

According to Cass Sunstein, Harvard Law professor and Obama’s regulatory czar, a conspiracy theory is “an effort to explain some event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.” Reasonable citizens are supposed to presume that government creates trillions of pages of new secrets each year for their own good, not to hide anything from the public.  

In the early 1960s, conspiracy theories were practically a non-issue because 75 percent of Americans trusted the federal government. Such credulity did not survive the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Seven days after Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963, President Lyndon Johnson created a commission (later known as the Warren Commission) to suppress controversy about the killing. Johnson and FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover browbeat the commission members into speedily issuing a report rubberstamping the “crazed lone gunman” version of the assassination. House Minority Leader Gerald Ford, a member of the commission, revised the final staff report to change the location of where the bullet entered Kennedy’s body, thereby salvaging Hoover’s so-called “magic bullet” theory. After the Warren Commission findings were ridiculed as a whitewash, Johnson ordered the FBI to conduct wiretaps on the report’s critics. To protect the official story, the commission sealed key records for 75 years. Truth would out only after all the people involved in any coverup had gotten their pensions and died.

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The Real Digital Plot

The Real Digital Plot

The move to end paper money and move toward a national cryptocurrency took a major step recently when the House Financial Services Committee task force expressed support for experiments to create a digital cryptocurrency version of the U.S. dollar. They argued that the United States had to keep pace with China, and in the process, they enable all Americans to access the digital economy. Neha Narula, who is the academic director of MIT’s Digital Currency Project, testified claiming, as they did in creating the euro, that the benefits of a digital dollar will lower costs within the electronic payment system. Of course, China also cracks down on protesters in Hong Kong. Obviously, the United States must crackdown on all dissent and cancel them from society to keep pace with China.

For years, I have watched behind the curtain how they operate. I believe that Bitcoin was “ALLOWED” to be created for the sole purpose of moving to a digital currency. Just as they float a balloon in first to see how the market reacts, which allows them to always deny it.

Nobody knows who invented blockchain. Don’t you find it curious that such a major invention takes place and nobody takes credit? Even the notorious government propaganda site, Wikipedia, states: “The blockchain was invented by a person (or group of people) using the name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin.” This appears to be the perfect COVERT operation, for blockchain allows the government to trace every person who handled that Bitcoin.

This entire cryptocurrency has been sold as somehow circumventing the central banks, and it will defeat fiat currency when in fact it too is not backed by anything tangible…

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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