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How to Prepare Now for the Complete End of the World

How to Prepare Now for the Complete End of the World

OKANOGAN COUNTY, Wash. — When the finish comes, some won’t be ready in a bunker for a savior. They will stride out into the wilderness with confidence, prepared to hunt and kill a deer, tan its disguise and sleep simply in a hand-built shelter, shut by a hearth they produced from the power of their two palms on a stick.

Four hours from the Seattle airport, in a valley referred to as Methow, close to a city referred to as Twisp, Lynx Vilden was instructing individuals how to stay in the wild, like we think about Stone Age individuals did. Not so they may get higher at residing in cities, or so that they could possibly be higher opponents in Silicon Valley or Wall Street.

“I don’t want to be teaching people how to survive and then come back to civilization,” Lynx mentioned. “What if we don’t want to come back to civilization?”

Some individuals now are contemplating what it means to stay in a world that could possibly be shut down by a pandemic.

But some individuals are already residing like this. Some do it as a result of they identical to it. Some do it as a result of they assume the finish has, in reality, already begun to arrive.

A pair of occasions a 12 months, Lynx — she goes by the title professionally, although it’s not her authorized title — teaches a 10-day introduction to residing in the wilderness. When I arrived for this program, Lynx ran to me, buckskins flying, her arms cupped tightly round one thing that was smoking.

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Natural medicines to use after SHTF

Image: Natural medicines to use after SHTF

(Natural News) If ever SHTF, you might not be able to have access to medication that can treat all sorts of ailments and injuries in a survival scenario. Before that even happens, you should start preparing for that scenario by stockpiling and growing your own supply of natural medicines. Here are a few natural remedies that can be incredibly useful after SHTF. (h/t to SurvivalSullivan.com.)


Packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, this healing herb is a common ingredient in natural painkillers. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and contains a peptide that can help alleviate pain associated with gout and arthritis. It may even help protect you from damage from free radicals. Amaranth is also incredibly useful to diabetics due to its ability to help manage blood sugar levels and reduce insulin levels. Other health benefits of amaranth include boosting your immune system, stimulating bone and muscle repair, and strengthening your bones.


Yarrow is a perennial herb that is useful for the treatment of wounds, cuts, and abrasions. It is also known by its common names of staunchweed and soldier’s woundwort. These names are fitting as you can always count on this reliable herb to staunch wounds that will not stop bleeding. You can crush the plant’s leaves and apply them topically on your open wounds to encourage clotting and lessen the likelihood of infection. The traditional use of this antiseptic herb involves drying it, powdering it, then mixing it with either plantain or comfrey water. It can also be freshly used as a poultice. (Related: 23 Medicinal plants you need to know about when SHTF.)

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How to store meat long-term when living off-grid

Image: How to store meat long-term when living off-grid

(Natural News) Preppers know that there are several methods that can be used to prepare meat for long-term storage. However, canning is one of the simplest ways to store meat when SHTF because it ensures that the food has a long shelf life.

Canning meat when you’re off-grid is similar to when you’re canning meat the modern way. If you have access to solar power, canning meat will be as easy as doing it in a modern kitchen. (h/t to BioPrepper.com)

Pressure canning is the recommended method of canning meat and low-acid vegetables to prevent a fatal kind of food poisoning called botulism. Botulism affects the central nervous system and causes facial and/or body paralysis. It is caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

Canning meat off-grid and without a stove

To can meat off-grid, you will need some glass jars, lids, and rings. Consider getting some reusable lids, such as the Tattler brand, because even if they’re pricier, they’re worth every penny.

Take note that reusable lids have several differences compared to standard single-use lids. Reusable lids must be unscrewed a quarter of a turn in order so the hot air can escape while the contents are processing. Once the jars of food are processed, remove them from the canner. Tighten the rings again so the rubber seals properly as the food cools.

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Martha Stewart Will Definitely Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

Martha Stewart Will Definitely Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

I have always been a big fan of Martha Stewart.  I know, sometimes she does stuff like gluing moss on lampshades which causes you to wonder if she ever uses that lamp and why it doesn’t catch fire, and rolling grapes in goose liver pate sounds like it won’t be on my bucket list, but let’s put those things aside for a moment and talk about how Martha is better prepared than just about anyone to survive the Zombie Apocalypse. And it’s not just because she’s rich.

Please note that, as always, I use the Zombie Apocalypse as a metaphor for any type of civil unrest, long-term disaster in which the unprepared are going to want what you’ve carefully stored, and events during which people eagerly await the government’s handouts to rescue them from their Darwinian fates.

But, let’s talk about Martha. I’ve always seen her as a mentor, even though I’ve never had the privilege of meeting her.

She understands the value of a home-cooked meal with every detail from scratch. She grows her own veggies and herbs, maintains orchards, and raises chickens. She can sew, bake, garden, and run a multi-billion dollar business. She’s survived some things that would have driven a lesser woman to her knees. Remember how a few weeks back when I talked about prepper friends, I said that some of them weren’t exactly preppers but would be fantastic neighbors and allies? One word for you: MARTHA.

Here are just a few of the reasons why I’m quite certain that Martha Stewart will survive anything the Zombie Apocalypse could throw at her.

She can cook anything, anywhere.

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Adapt or die: Why you need more skills and less stuff

Adapt or die: Why you need more skills and less stuff

adapt or die why you need prepper skills more than gearPreppers have a bad reputation for hoarding gear, stocking up on a year’s-worth (or more) of food, and packing bug out bags that could supply a platoon. In almost all cases, these preppers would be screwed if there were a disaster or SHTF.

Gear and supplies are useless unless you still have it when you need it, and as I’ve experienced several times in the military – in emergency situations, things don’t usually go as planned.

There is an inherent cost associated with collecting stuff that extends past the initial purchase. Buying means researching, storing, protecting, repairing, maintaining, carrying, and several other ‘ings.

The precept of knowledge weighing nothing has been a long-term idea in my thinking. I love learning how to do things and how to adapt my surroundings by adapting what I have available for new purposes.

Also, if  something like a regional disaster hits your area, you may be surviving with only what you have on you at that moment and all that stuff you collected will be useless.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t go out and buy stuff in advance of something happening. Starting a fire with something like a magnesium/ferro fire starter is much easier than by rubbing two sticks together, so those things are really good investments. But if you lost that thing, would you still be able to start a fire?

What I am saying though is that sometimes it’s better to learn than to buy. Let’s look at some examples.


In every part of the world and culture, alcohol plays a major part. Sometimes it’s hidden but even while deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was very easy to find it if you wanted it (but you’d pay out the ying-yang for it). During hard times, alcohol gets even more popular.

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The Self-Reliance Weekly Report – Feb. 3, 2016

The Self-Reliance Weekly Report – Feb. 3, 2016


What to wear outside, winter edition.  When the snow is flying and the weather is cold, it’s vital to protect yourself from the potential of hypothermia. Layering is an essential part of keeping warm, and there are 4 specific layers you should have on. Not only should you dress in layers, but you should always have extra layers in your vehicle in the event of an emergency. (Here’s a peek at my winter vehicle emergency kit.) Who can forget the family of 6 in Nevada who survived for days in the frigid wilderness with only what they had in their vehicle? Accidents can happen to any of us, and inclement winter weather only makes them more likely. This guide from the US Marine Corp is a thorough overview of winter survival skills. The following articles will also help. You must make sure you know the priorities of winter survival and you’ll also want to check out this list of winter survival skills from a former Alaskan trapper, too.

Do you know what to do if you are lost in the wilderness? Speaking of outdoor survival skills, what would you do if you were lost in the wilderness?  Do your kids know what to do if they get lost out in the forest?  Check out these tips from a search-and-rescue class. Because it can be difficult to know everything, I also keep a little guide in all of the family backpacks, in my glove box, and in my everyday carry kit in my purse.

Use Alaska as a cautionary tale of what happens when the transportation system fails.  Obviously, Alaska isn’t producing a lot of food this time of year.

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The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Are You Ready for a Long-Term Water Emergency?

The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Are You Ready for a Long-Term Water Emergency?

Are you truly prepared for a water emergency?

How long could your family survive if the water stopped flowing from the municipal supply and none was available at the store? If the answer is not “indefinitely” then you need to check out my new book, The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource.

This comprehensive book contains life-saving information about how to:

  • Store fresh water
  • Collect rainwater
  • Purify water from lakes and rivers
  • Dig a well for groundwater

In addition to harvesting water, you’ll gain the tools to keep large stores untainted for long periods of time, test the water you collect for dangerous toxins, and treat water-related illnesses that are commonly contracted during a disaster.

This book is very research heavy, with the latest in-depth information about the contaminants lurking in our water supplies and water-borne illnesses, as well as tips for conservation and sanitation during times when your lifestyle is decidedly off-grid.

I hope you enjoy this excerpt from the book.

The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide

If you’ve been prepping for a while, you’ve probably heard of the survivalist’s “Rule of Three.”  You can survive:

Three minutes without air.

Three days without water.

Three weeks without food.

If a disaster has hit and you’re still breathing, then your next concern has got to be water.

Have you ever watched any of those survival shows on the Discovery Channel where people are dropped off in the middle of nowhere and left to survive with limited tools and supplies? In nearly every single episode, the biggest issue is finding and purifying water.

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Urban Survival Skills That Will Keep You Alive

Urban Survival Skills That Will Keep You Alive

When the subject of Survival comes up in conversation, what do you think of? I am sure context plays a big part in the answer to that question, but for me personally it used to always conjure up the shipwrecked on a deserted island idea of survival. It was that or the lone hiker scenario where you are lost in the wilderness, miles away from civilization. I used to love watching Bear Grylls’ Man vs. Wild many years back on his first TV show where he would present just those types of scenarios and show tips on how to survive and get back to civilization.

The word ‘survival’ has a very different connotation to a lot of people but I think that many people out there limit their view of surviving to the way I used to. When I started getting into the concepts behind prepping, part of my thought process was that I would only need my true survival skills if I was shipwrecked or lost. I almost neglected the more likely scenario that I would need survival skills where I lived and worked every day. While I see the benefit of wilderness survival skills, I would be much more likely to need urban survival skills on any given day. There are some skills that overlap, but there are many differences between trying to survive in the woods and trying to survive in the urban jungle.

For this post I wanted to list several urban survival skills that while they may share some characteristics of their wilderness cousins, could still help you more in an urban environment if you are faced with some type of urban SHTF scenario.

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How to Survive Anything in 3 Easy Steps

How to Survive Anything in 3 Easy Steps

You can have enough food to ride out 15 years of Armageddon. You can have a fully stocked retreat or a bunker. You can have so much ammo stashed that your floorboards are groaning.  You may have followed your favorite preparedness book’s guidelines to the letter, and thus have all of the physical aspects of survival in place.

But regardless of this, you may not be fully prepared.

Because surprisingly enough, none of these is an indication of “the prepper mindset.” Those items are a great start, but until your head is fully involved in the game, you’re not actually prepared.

To me, the pinnacle of preparedness is a way of thinking about pretty much everything you encounter. It’s a unique way of looking at a situation, assessing the options, and acting that defines the prepper mindset. Think about any stressful situation that has ever happened to you.  Once you accepted the fact that it had happened you were able to set a course of action. Once you had definitive steps to take, you probably felt much calmer. You took control of the things you could, and you executed your plan.  Only by taking that first step – accepting that this mishap had indeed occurred – could you take the next two.

There are 3 steps to handling any crisis with aplomb. While the execution isn’t always easy, making these steps second nature will greatly increase your chances of survival, no matter what kind of disaster you are facing.

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Winter Storms | How to Stay Warm and Survive – Survival Life | Preppers | Survival Gear | Blog

Winter Storms | How to Stay Warm and Survive – Survival Life | Preppers | Survival Gear | Blog.

The recent winter storms have left Buffalo, New York under seven feet of snow and counting.

These winter storms can be devastating. Obviously those affected have to deal with cold temperatures, snow and ice, and there’s also the risk of power outages, roofs collapsing, and even flooding once the snow melts.

People in the areas affected by these storms are sometimes unable to leave their homes for days or weeks at a time — or worse, they end up trapped in their car on the highway, like many drivers in the Dallas area experienced during last year’s winter storms.

In short, if you’re going to survive a winter storm of this magnitude, you need to be prepared.

We’ve had several posts on our site full of survival tips for winter weather. We’ve decided to compile them all in one list so that you can have a go-to place for winter storm survival.

Read on to learn more.

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Study Says Home Cooking Equals Better Health: 5 Ways to Cut Kitchen Time Without Sacrificing Nutrition |

Study Says Home Cooking Equals Better Health: 5 Ways to Cut Kitchen Time Without Sacrificing Nutrition |.

Those of us who are proponents of whole foods and scratch cooking have known it all along, but a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine confirms it.  Time spent in the kitchen equals a better diet.

1319 participants in the Seattle Obesity Study answered questions about the amount of time they spend preparing food for their families each day, including prepping, cooking, and cleaning up.

  • 16% spent less than an hour a day
  • 43% spent between 1-2 hours per day
  • 41% spent more than 2 hours per day

Those who worked outside the home were less likely to spend time on food preparation. They relied on restaurant meals and convenience foods.  Those who spent more time preparing food were also more likely to consume a greater proportion of fruits and vegetables.

Many of us lead very busy lives, what with activities for the kids, work, and other obligations. This doesn’t mean that you have to say goodbye to healthy eating. There are lots of ways to cut the time spent in the kitchen while still enjoying optimum nutrition, scratch meals, and yummy produce.  When you are not in control of your food, you’re much more likely to consume additives, toxic chemicals, and GMOs. Even though I work from home, it’s rare for me to spend hours per day in the kitchen.  Here are 5 of my favorite kitchen short cuts that allow me to step away from the stove while still providing a hearty dinner for the family.

– See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/study-says-home-cooking-equals-better-health-5-ways-to-cut-kitchen-time-without-sacrificing-nutrition-11102014#sthash.n4Ixe9y0.dpuf


How to build the ultimate 25 pound bug out bag

How to build the ultimate 25 pound bug out bag.

This will be a first here on Graywolf Survival. I’ve never written a post before on my personal bug out bag gear. I have written about my go bag before, which is kind of a mini bug out bag but it’s not really what I’d bug out with if I had to leave for an extended period. I used it for short trips and as an addition tomy EDC kit. This post took a LOT more work but was well worth it.

Keep in mind this is my personal bug out bag listI say it’s the ultimate bag because it’s better than anything I can come up with for my circumstances, that takes into consideration my budget, my skills (and lack thereof in some cases), my geographic area, my 25-pound dry weight limit, and what my most likely scenarios for using it are. There is no perfect or ultimate but out bag that will work for everyone. Also, some of this stuff I chose because I already had it and some of it I paid more than most people are willing to spend.

I’ve lived primarily out of a backpack on missions in Africa, Iraq, Thailand, Afghanistan, Central America, and now live in Phoenix, AZ where I take my backpack camping so I’m quite familiar with what items I’ve used over the years and what I haven’t. I still learn things every time I do this.

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When The SHTF, These Cheap Items Will Be Worth Their Weight In Gold

When The SHTF, These Cheap Items Will Be Worth Their Weight In Gold.

If society were to break down tomorrow, the value of the things we own and the skills we have would be turned on its head. Everybody knows that certain items will be far more valuable after a grid ending event. Stuff like gold, guns, and food are a given in any conversation on preparedness. Skills like hunting, reloading, and first aid would be indispensable, while skills accounting and day trading would be completely worthless.

There are of course, other items that we may be overlooking. While things like gold and guns will be expensive in the future, they’re already quite expensive now. Once you have those bases covered on your preparedness checklist, you can start thinking in terms of “What’s really cheap now, but will definitely be more valuable when the SHTF? What’s going to give me the greatest return on my money?”

With that said, here’s a few barter items you can buy right now, for a fraction of what they’ll be worth when the grid goes down.

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Finding McIntosh | Autonomy Acres

Finding McIntosh | Autonomy Acres.

A reoccuring theme here on Autonomy Acres is food, a lot of the time specifically about fruit.  Fruit trees, fruit shrubs, growing and foraging fruit, and eating fruit have all been topics covered here over the last four years.  Its a favorite subject of mine for good reason, I love fruit!  Growing it, eating it, learning about it, cooking with it,  you name it, fruit is one of my passions.  Especially apples!


Nothing compares to a tree ripened apple on a cool autumn day.  They signal the finished accumulation of solar energy, the life of the soil, and the water from rain into a near perfect orb that holds the sweetness of summer within its flesh.  They are the inspiration for poetry and legends, and for so many years have played a part in the stories and traditions of cultures from around the cool, temperate climates of the world.


It wasn’t that long ago when every region in the world where apples could and did grow had its own locally adapted varieties.  Many of these varieties were used solely for culinary uses or cider and were rarely eaten out of hand and remained nameless, wild apple trees living on the edges of forests and in the hedgerows between fields.

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Why You Should Learn Wilderness Survival Skills

Why You Should Learn Wilderness Survival Skills.

Most preppers look at wildernesssurvival skills as just a useless waste of time. After all you don’t plan on becoming a refugee any time soon, so why take the time necessary to learn a new skill that you may never need? Right?

You spend all your time, money and effort working out a plan, a plan where you and your loved ones will have a safe haven, a retreat stocked with survival food, water, medical supplies, fuel, weapons and ammunition for self-defense and foraging and anything else you could ever need to ensure the survival of you and yours after the poop hits the fan. So why learn seemingly unnecessary primitive survival skills?

After all one of my constant ramblings in the pages of this blog, is to never ever become a refugee. And I stand by my advice, do everything in your power not to become a hopeless starving refugee. But I am also a firm believer in Murphy’s Law; which states if anything can go wrong it will.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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