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The 7 best dog breeds for survival and protection

The 7 best dog breeds for survival and protection

Image: The 7 best dog breeds for survival and protection

(Natural News) Through the years, dogs have constantly proven why they deserve to be called “man’s best friend.” They’re affectionate, dependable, protective, and smart, making them the perfect companion to have when SHTF. (h/t to ThePreppingGuide.com)

However, there are many different dog breeds to choose from. They all have various pros and cons but if you’re not sure what kind of dog to get, check out the list below for seven of the best dog breeds that will suit the prepping lifestyle.

1. Akita

The Akita is a large breed that hails from Japan. Akitas are suitable guard dogs, and they are loyal to their friends and family. This breed can be very loving to people it spends most of its time with.

While the Akita is a very alert breed, they need to be trained well. If they’re not adequately socialized, Akitas may be hostile toward people they’re unfamiliar with.

Akitas would make great dogs for preppers because they are strong and intelligent.

2. Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamutes resemble their wolf ancestors. These dogs are particularly smart and they’re great hunters. However, compared to other large dog breeds, they have a relatively long lifespan of about 12 to 15 years.

As a large, strong breed with great endurance and energy, Alaskan Malamutes are a great choice for preppers.

3. Bernese Mountain Dog

While they’re not as popular as the other breeds in this list, Bernese Mountain Dogs are strong and capable. These dogs are calmer and more good-natured than other breeds, which makes them ideal pets for when SHTF.

Originally trained to work on farms, Bernese Mountain Dogs are great at herding. These dogs are strong enough to pull carts heavier than themselves, and they’re very protective and loyal to their family.

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Natural medicines to use after SHTF

Image: Natural medicines to use after SHTF

(Natural News) If ever SHTF, you might not be able to have access to medication that can treat all sorts of ailments and injuries in a survival scenario. Before that even happens, you should start preparing for that scenario by stockpiling and growing your own supply of natural medicines. Here are a few natural remedies that can be incredibly useful after SHTF. (h/t to SurvivalSullivan.com.)


Packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, this healing herb is a common ingredient in natural painkillers. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties and contains a peptide that can help alleviate pain associated with gout and arthritis. It may even help protect you from damage from free radicals. Amaranth is also incredibly useful to diabetics due to its ability to help manage blood sugar levels and reduce insulin levels. Other health benefits of amaranth include boosting your immune system, stimulating bone and muscle repair, and strengthening your bones.


Yarrow is a perennial herb that is useful for the treatment of wounds, cuts, and abrasions. It is also known by its common names of staunchweed and soldier’s woundwort. These names are fitting as you can always count on this reliable herb to staunch wounds that will not stop bleeding. You can crush the plant’s leaves and apply them topically on your open wounds to encourage clotting and lessen the likelihood of infection. The traditional use of this antiseptic herb involves drying it, powdering it, then mixing it with either plantain or comfrey water. It can also be freshly used as a poultice. (Related: 23 Medicinal plants you need to know about when SHTF.)

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Essential Skills, Tasks, and Training for Preppers and Survivalists: Part 1 

Essential Skills, Tasks, and Training for Preppers and Survivalists: Part 1 

For this article, we’re going to go into “basic focus” mode: you start out with the basics and build upon them.  This is the type of mindset and foundation that work for everything in life (basically).  You use it as a format in everything you do, such as building a home or when you begin an exercise program.  In this vein, we’re going to create a Training METL: A Mission-Essential Task List for your Training as a basis for well-rounding yourself.  This is Part 1 of a 2-part series.

What is your focus?  What type of work do you do?  How do you allocate your time?  A short time ago, I wrote a piece on the importance of self-analysis: creating a true picture of yourself, your strengths, and areas that you need to improve in.  This holds true here, as you identify and prioritize your goals, with an overall objective in mind.  Here is an overall objective for you:

To survive and thrive as you and your family develop physically, mentally, and spiritually to well-round yourselves and prepare for any disaster that arises.

Simple enough.  The Mission-Essential Task List for Training can become a big part in actually realizing that objective and maintaining it.  This METL (called “Metal” in the Army) for your use will use broad categories to train and prepare that you can refine as your needs change and your skills improve.  Let’s start it off!

  1. Physical Training: It all starts here, with whatever you do to be able to “hang with the big dogs!”  Whether you’re a Triathlete, a weightlifter, a boxer, or a swimmer, you need to take your personal forte and tailor it to the maximum productive capacity.  Outline your training schedule, plan short and long-term goals for improvement, and take copious notes!

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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